Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Ecozone Information

EcozoneNext issue of Jack

Wed, 26 Nov 2008 17:18:33 EDT
... f the wilderness) of Tofino Beach, Banff National Park (also Alberta), the BC coastal mountains, the Mountain Cordillera Ecozone around Kamloops, Salmon Arm, and S tanley Park in Vancouver....

Foreign investors seek clearer tax rule (Philippine Daily Inquirer)

Sun, 23 Nov 2008 16:18:48 GMT
FOREIGN business chambers in the country have asked the Congress to clarify in a proposed law whether economic zone locators are exempted from all types of taxes, including documentary and excise taxes that the Bureau of Internal Revenue still collects from them.


Wed, 26 Nov 2008 11:14:53 EDT
- Most of the ecozone has a continental climate, with mostly easterly moving air masses, which allow for cool wet winters and warm, dry summers...

Lawmakers push for special ecozone in Cebu province - Business Mirror

Mon, 08 Dec 2008 15:34:20 GMT

Lawmakers push for special ecozone in Cebu province
Business Mirror, Philippines - Dec 8, 2008
House Bill 1319, creating the Cebu Special Ecozone and Free Port, has already passed through the House’s economic affairs committee, of which Durano is ...
Solon optimistic about Congress' nod of corporate bankruptcy bill Sun.Star
all 2 news articles

EcozoneHawthorne Berry and Other Herbal Remedies for Heart Health

There are many herbal remedies for heart health on the market. The heart health benefits of magnesium have been studied by scientific researchers and magnesium is sometimes including in natural and herbal remedies for heart health.

Some of the herbs have basis in scientific fact, but care must be taken when selecting a product, particularly if you are taking prescription medications. Many of today?s prescription drugs are based on and function similarly to herb components. Thus, interactions can occur.

In order to understand how vitamins, minerals, herbs and other natural products promote heart health, it is necessary to understand the risk factors that lead to heart disease. It is believed that if we can control these risk factors, we may be able to prevent many types of heart disease, including atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries, blood clots and possibly strokes. Since the risk factors of heart disease and stroke are similar.

The major controllable risk factors for developing heart disease include obesity, high blood pressure, unhealthy cholesterol levels, diabetes, physical inactivity and chronic stress.

Studies have shown that the heart health benefits of magnesium are related to the risk factors that magnesium helps to address and other unique attributes of the mineral. In one study, patients who already exhibited signs of heart disease were noted to have lower levels of magnesium.

During a six month trial, patients who were given an oral magnesium supplement had less chest pain and performed better during stress tests. In other studies magnesium supplements have been shown to correct irregular heart beat, palpitations and even heart murmurs.

Because of the heart health benefits of magnesium, some of the better herbal remedies for heart health contain magnesium ascorbate. This is the form of the mineral that is most easily absorbed by the human body.

Some of the herbal remedies for heart health include Butcher?s Broom, Gingko Biloba, Green Tea and Hawthorne Berry. Butcher?s Broom was used historically as a diuretic and should have beneficial effects on blood pressure.

Gingko Biloba improves circulation by dilating the blood vessels and is believed to protect the arterial walls. Green Tea has been used for weight loss, as a diuretic and is believed to prevent platelet aggregation, this is the technical term for materials in the blood that bind together and eventually form blood clots.

Some herbal remedies for heart health contain Hawthorne Berry, because of its traditional use as a heart tonic. Components in the plant, probably flavonoids and procyanidins, improve the strength of heart muscle contractions, help the body maintain a healthy blood pressure, and have been reported to reduce blood lipid concentrations.

Herbal remedies for heart health that contain Hawthorne Berry address several of the major risk factors and may improve the overall strength of the heart. To learn more about dietary supplements that contain Hawthorne Berry, please visit Heart Health Diet Tips.com.

Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years and is currently writing a series of articles about heart health. Read more at http://heart-health-diet-tips.com.


Barleygrass Reviews and info

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When you are suffering from heartburn, the main thing that you want to do is to stop the pain. Today�s medical knowledge of heartburn has led to the development to various drugs that have the ability to stop or ease heartburn. However if you want to try alternative forms of medication, then what are the remedies that you have available to you?
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BarleygrassFeel Revitalized - Diet Gone Bad!

Acid reflux is an annoying and painful condition. Just ask anyone who has ever had
serious heartburn and they will nod their heads in agreement. The issue is that
ongoing attacks of heartburn can have long-term consequences for you. Most
people simply never think this far ahead but acid reflux is something to be
taken seriously as this article will prove.

So what are the dangers of having long term acid reflux? What conditions might
you develop if you don not take preventive steps in the early stages? There are
two that you need to be particularly aware of.

Barrets Esophagus

This condition occurs when the tissue lining the esophagus
changes to a type of tissue more commonly found in the small intestine. This
condition does not only affect people with acid reflux but is 3 - 5 times more
likely to occur within somebody suffering from acid reflux. The main worry with
Barrets Esophagus is that it can lead to a type of terminal cancer called
esophageal adenocarcinoma. People with this Barrets Esophagus are 100 - 150
times more likely to develop this type of cancer!

How can doctors diagnose the presence of this type of cancer?

Not easily I am afraid. Physical examinations and blood tests do not provide accurate enough
information for the correct diagnosis to take place. The only test that has been
proven to be of any value in detecting this condition is something called an
upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and biopsy. This is where a small tube with a
camera attached is lowered into the esophagus. If the tissues present appear to
be normal then a small sample is taken. Later in the laboratory medical
technicians can usually spot the presence (or not) of Barrets Esophagus.

Erosive Esophagitis This is another fairly common risk faced by those with acid
reflux. This condition is caused when acid from the stomach flows back up into
the esophagus and causes irritation. The symptoms that provide a warning of this
conditions presence are as follows:

* Difficulty Swallowing

* Burning Sensation In The Throat

* Oral Lesions

To help detect this condition doctors perform either an endoscopy or a barium
swallow. Barium is a chemical that dyes the inside of your body so that an x-ray
can see right inside of you and track a problem to its source.

What if you do not treat erosive esophagitis? If left untreated, esophagitis can
cause intense discomfort as well as malnutrition and dehydration due to the
trouble associated with painful swallowing. If esophagitis is diagnosed, it can
be treated via medication which can help to reduce the amount of acid produced
in the stomach and allow you to lead a normal life.

As you can see acid reflux is not just about having annoying heartburn. It can
be far more serious than that; sometimes with life-threatening consequences.

Jill Seimer and her driving devotion to help others shares health living at target="_new" href="http://www.refluxlife.com">RefluxLife.com Recently discussing target="_new" href="http://www.refluxlife.com/treatment/infants.html">Acid Reflux in Children from personal experience.

Going RAW - como fazer a transição para a alimentação VIVA

Mon, 20 Oct 2008 13:08:38 EDT
(1) Escolha um superalimento verde: suco de broto de trigo (wheatgrass) ou suco de broto de cevada (barleygrass) - esse pode ser um bom começo....

Samson Ultra Electric Twin Gear Wheatgrass Juicer - Perfect Juice Machine for Juicing Fruits, Vegetables, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass & More.

Tue, 23 Sep 2008 00:26:17 EDT
Juices Vegetables, Fruits, Wheatgrass and Barleygrass Twin Gear Technology Low Noise 3...Juices Vegetables, Fruits, Wheatgrass and Barleygrass....

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Fitness and Exercise Guide And Advice

According to few insulin levels play the largest role in losing weight. Other experts determine that our body type is the key to finding the proper exercises and diet plans that work with the body. To find out your body type you will need to talk to your doctor, or else visit the World Wide Net to find answers to your questions. Other details are available over the Internet that can help you decide on which diet is best for you, as well as which exercises works best with your body.

To achieve a healthier status and maintain weight diet must combine with exercise, since one without the other will not work. Combining healthy provisions with correct exercises can bring you good health and physical fitness, which will enhance your quality of life. It will also help you keep your body�s zone to a level.
Visit this site for more Info on...
Wheatgrass Sprouters


Are You at Risk for Obesity?

One way to find out if your weight puts you at risk for diabetes is to look at your body mass index, or BMI, which is based on a calculation of your height and weight. Use our BMI calculator to find out.

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Another blog about Cacao Beans

Estonia >> - Kommersant

Thu, 11 Dec 2008 03:53:00 GMT
For Russians, Estonia was always a land of myths. The first myth is that Estonia is chock-full of sprats. War veterans remember them in holiday packages. The second myth is that ...

Yummy, chocolaty goodness with Taza Chocolate on December 12th!

Thu, 11 Dec 2008 15:22:26 EDT
Taza’s chocolate making process is designed to capture the true flavor of the cacao bean by minimally processing the chocolate every step of the way....Taza sources organically grown cacao beans directly from small farmer cooperatives ensuring those farmers receive more than fair trade prices for their high quality c acao....

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