Sunday, September 14, 2008

Wheatgrass Skin Care Reviews and info

Wheatgrass Skin CareEating More Fish is Healthy Regardless of Risk of Toxins

Eating more fish is definitely a heart-healthy benefit. You might be a little weary, however, of the risk of toxins, like mercury found in some kinds of fish. The safety of farm-raised fish, wild fish and fish you catch is also a concern for many people. Use this article as a resource to help you learn how you can eat fish safely.

Some of the health benefits associated with eating fish includes:

? Generally low in calories

? Generally low in saturated fat

? Generally low in cholesterol

? It is a good substitute for poultry and meat because it is generally low in calories, saturated fat and cholesterol

? Cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel and herring are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which appear to decrease risk of coronary artery disease, may protect against irregular heartbeats, and help to lower blood pressure.

There are potential drawbacks to eating fish even though it is good for your health. Some types of fish may contain contaminants like mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, dioxins or other chemical pollutants. Fish get these toxins from pollutants in lakes, rivers and oceans. Other disease-causing organisms, bacteria, viruses and parasites also infect fish just the same way that poultry and meat can be infected.

Although the Food and Drug Administration regulates seafood to reduce potential hazards, you still need to safely store, prepare, cook and serve fish to help reduce your risk of contracting food-borne illnesses.

One of the major contaminants found in fish is mercury. Large, predatory fish like tilefish, swordfish and king mackerel tend to have higher levels of mercury. The Environmental Protection Agency report that for most people the amount of mercury they consume by eating fish is not a health concern.

There are two locations from which our fish purchased in the grocery store come from. They are:

? Fish caught in the wild such as an ocean, river or freshwater lake

? Fish raised on a fish farm

Farm-raised fish may have more total fat, calories and higher levels of contaminants due to toxins present in the feed given to fish. Farm-raised fish is more readily available and often cost less. State or federal governments set harvest limits on commercially harvested fish that make them more expensive. The United States requires labels on consumer fish products that states either ?farm-raised? or ?wild.? Wild fish may also be harvested for personal consumption by sport anglers.

Fish caught by sport angling are not held to the same standards as fight caught commercially. The FDA regulates commercial fish to help ensure safety. Advisories in each state is responsible for protecting residents from the health risk of eating wild fish, for example, which types and much fish is safe to eat. If you are unable to find local advice, the FDA and EPA recommend you limit consumption of fish from local waters to about 6 ounces a week.

Most people do not eat enough fish and have no need to worry of eating too much to cause a health concern. The American Heart Association recommends at least two, 3-ounce servings of fish ? preferably omega-3-rich fish ? each week. For most consumers, especially those at risk for heart disease, the omega-3 benefits of eating fish regularly outweighs the potential risks.

For women who might become pregnant, pregnant women, nursing mothers and children younger than age 5, the FDA and EPA recommend the following:

? Avoid eating shark, swordfish, king mackerel or tilefish due to the high levels of toxins

? Eat up to 12 ounces per week of fish and shellfish that contain low levels of mercury. Sources include: shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, Pollock, catfish. Limit intake of albacore tuna to 6 ounces per week.

You don?t have to avoid seafood altogether if you are in any of the above groups. In fact, some studies suggest that not enough seafood during pregnancy may contribute to poor verbal skills, behavioral problems and other developmental issues during childhood.

In addition to the many governmental safety precautions in place, you still need to safely store, prepare, cook and serve fish. Review the following tips:

? Never consume raw seafood, particularly raw shellfish

? Wrap fresh fish in a plastic bag securely and store in your refrigerator

? Eat fresh fish within two days, most preferably the day of purchase

? Store frozen seafood no more than six months

? Do not refreeze fish.

? Defrost frozen seafood in the refrigerator just before cooking or for quicker thawing, place frozen fish in a sealed bag and immerse in cold water.

? Wash hands, cutting boards and utensils with soap and water after coming in contact with fish

? Allow 10 minutes cooking time for every inch of thickness for medium-cooked fish.

? Use a fork or the tip of a knife to cut into the fish to see if it is done. When done the fish should separate into flakes and appear opaque throughout.

Source: Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (2007)

Disclaimer: *This article is not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any kind of a health problem. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult with your health care provider about any kind of a health problem and especially before beginning any kind of an exercise routine.

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box. Article written 3-2007.

Author: Connie Limon, Trilogy Field Representative. Visit and sign up for a weekly nutrition and health tip. The article collection is available as FREE reprints for your newsletters, websites or blog. Visit to purchase an array of superior quality, safe and effective products inspired by nature, informed by science and created to improve the health of people, pets and the planet.

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General HealthThe Missing Link to GI Health in Humans and Animals

Like most break through discoveries, ?The Missing Link? to GI Health wasn?t so much intentional as it was the result of a research scientist?s keen mind examining disparate soil vitality studies and animal eating habit studies done over decades.

Most people are aware that, prior to the industrial age, farm soil (and lawn) grew healthy, disease free crops. These soils were teeming with organic micronutrients and soil based organisms, collectively known as SBOs (soil-based organisms). There is a direct connection between the increased use of inorganic pesticides/ insecticides/fertilizers, and chlorinated lawn watering to the loss of SBOs.

According to the US Department of Agricultural, topsoil (the top 6? of soil) that grows commercial crops is dead. Without SBOs, which are essential for plant health (as well as GI health), commercially grown crops lack nutritional value, taste, and are susceptible to disease. A connection can be made between decreased nutritional value and the increase of health issues.

A Brief SBO Primer

SBO's, or soil-based organisms, are tiny microbes that live in soil. According to medical research scientist Dr. William C.Bryce, M.D., Ph.D., among other functions SBO's produce and release powerful enzymes that sterilize the soil of putrefactive
organisms, and thereby help prepare the soil to support new plant growth. Without SBO's, lush plant growth could not take place because the soil would be too contaminated with yeasts, molds, fungi, candida and other harmful organisms that are antagonistic to plant growth and reproduction. The enzymes produced by the SBO's solve this problem by helping kill off huge amounts of the harmful elements in the soil. Dr. Bryce points out that in addition to the above function, SBO's also produce and release nutrients and growth hormones which, when absorbed through the roots of plants, help stimulate
the reproductive cycle in the plants. For example, the growth hormones produced by SBO's are biologically activated to stimulate seed maturation. Simultaneously, these hormones also accelerate further numeric growth of the SBO colonies themselves.

The soil that grows fruits and vegetables have not benefited from SBOs for decades. Consequently, fruits, vegetables, and the meats from feedlot animals finished on fattening corn and citrus rind diets do not provide the same nutrient value, or vital force.

The 2006 spinach scare is but a recent example. The investigation revealed that cattle waste from the adjoining land seeped onto the spinach fields. If the soil the spinach was grown in was healthy and teeming with SBOs, there?s a good possibility the ecoli would have been neutralized.

Why Do Animals Eat Grass?

We have all observed cats and dogs eating grass. Most people believe that they did so to settle an upset stomach. Studies within the last decade to determine why were inconclusive. It was only when pre-industrial age soil and grass/animal eating habit studies to the current decades? studies were compared that the connection to SBOs became clear.

Close examination revealed that feral animals not only eat the top of the grass (for organic MSM-an important nutrient), they actually pull at the grass to get at the SBOs surrounding the roots. Why? SBOs are necessary aids to restoring and maintaining GI balance as well as for proper elimination in animals (and humans!).

The only reason why domestic animals eat grass and dirt today is genetic memory. Unfortunately, if you allow them to do so today, it will likely cause more harm.

Evidence of this is the fact that today, there is an epidemic of gastrointestinal disorders among humans, as well as domestic cats and dogs.

The reasons include low quality, fast food, nutritionless diets (human and pet), chlorinated water (used for cooking, drinking and bathing), and the absence of ?The Missing Link? from the daily diet.

Digestion is a time sensitive process; too fast or too slow causes GI problems like constipation, Chronic Diarrhea, IBS, and Crohns Disease. GI health problems contribute to immune health problems.

To quote The Royal Society of Medicine of Great Britain ?Fully 90% of all chronic diseases are caused by an unhealthy intestinal system.?

One research scientist began connecting the dots about 9 years ago. Not only did he make the connection between SBOs and GI health, he went so far as to isolate and study how various strains of SBOs interacted with one another.

SBOs are Superior Probiotics

During the early stages of SBO research, advertisers made a huge push to promote the probiotic benefits of eating yogurt to promote GI health. While dairy-based probiotics can be beneficial, the marketing hype outdid the facts. There are numerous problems with dairy-based probiotics:

? Many people (and animals) are lacto-intolerant

? Commercial grade milk contains growth hormones and antibiotics

? The shelf life of dairy-based probiotic strains

? Stomach Acids destroy most dairy-based probiotics

Today we know that SBOs are the superior probiotic, and that they are essential to restore and maintain optimum GI health in animals and humans. They also play a major role when dealing with immune diseases, as well as the toxic effects of chemotherapy and cancer medications, whose side effects include severely diminished bowel function.

It is important to know that SBOs are visitors to the GI tract; they need to be replenished daily to maintain optimum protection. Truly, SBOs are ?The Missing Link? to restoring and maintaining health.

The author of this article is Robert Hart, the co-founder of Vitality Science, Inc., a company that formulates scientifically proven, all natural supplements to restore and maintain pet health- for cats, dogs, kittens and puppies.

Robert Hart has articles published in Fido Friendly Magazine, The Pet Professor, an on-line pet portal, Ani-Med, and pet newsletters.

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