Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Did you hear of Health

Lavender ReviewsSuperfoods: U - Z

As with many medical disorders, some people respond and others do not. But, I am sharing with you what has reduced some of my skin disorders.

Copyright 2007 by Ian RoeBuck
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Superfoods: U - Z

Herbal Tinctures

STEP #1 - *Workout and Exercise*

It's not possible to be healthy without being fit. We know that, at least intuitively, even if we tend to forget the importance of fitness in a healthy lifestyle, by focusing too much on the importance of diet.

But more importantly, your physical condition has a major impact on your digestion, assimilation, and overall �nutrition.� For example, your ability to uptake sugar, called �insulin sensitivity,� is greatly influenced by your level of fitness.
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Herbal Tinctures

A taste of what's to come at Tulalip resort (Everett Herald)

Wed, 09 Apr 2008 07:21:11 GMT
Inside a pretty lavender envelope was something unexpected. Along with an invitation to a family wedding came a chance to peek into this region's future.


Natural Remedy Info

Chlorella Powder TabletsVitamins and Nutritions for Your Family

Nearly 20 vitamins that are known or believed to be important to human well-being have thus far been discovered. A few more vitamins are known to be important to such creatures as fish, chickens, or insects, but not to people.

When you eat a variety of food you are pretty sure of getting a well-rounded assortment of the vitamins you need?except perhaps vitamin D. And you may also be getting other vitamins still undetected in food, but serving you just the same.

Separate doses of one or more selected vitamins are best taken under doctors' orders. For research is showing more and more instances in which a vitamin or other nutrient seeks a different nutrient in a meal as a special partner to assist in its work. When a vitamin pill brings in a mass army, the right partners may not be ready to use so much specialized help.

The following vitamins are of practical importance in planning family meals.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important to the young for growth. And at all ages it is important for normal vision, especially in dim light.

In one way or another, many vitamins help protect the body against infection, and vitamin A's guard duty is to help keep the skin and the linings of nose, mouth, and inner organs in good condition. If these surfaces are weakened, bacteria can invade more easily.

You can get vitamin A from some animal foods. Good sources are liver, egg yolks, butter, whole milk and cream, and cheese made from whole milk or cream. Fish-liver oils which children take for vitamin D are rich in vitamin A besides.

From many vegetable foods you can get carotenes, which are yellow-orange substances that the body converts into vitamin A. Green, yellow, and some red vegetables are good sources of carotene. One good reason for including a vegetable from the "leafy, green, and yellow group" every day is to keep stocked with this vitamin. Margarine, a vegetable fat, is nearly always fortified with vitamin A or carotene.

Some vitamin A can be stored in the body. So it is to your advantage to eat heartily of foods that provide for it, such as the green and yellow vegetables. A savings account of vitamin A in your system may be drawn upon, if in any emergency this vitamin is wanting in the diet.

The B-vitamin family

There was once supposed to be just one vitamin B. Then, vitamin B was found to be complex and it has in time been separated into about a dozen vitamins, each with particular duties and importance. Most of them are now called by names that tell something about their chemical nature.

Thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are the most generally known and best understood B's. Getting enough of these in food helps with steady nerves, normal appetite, good digestion, good morale, healthy skin.

When these B's are seriously wanting in diet, malnutrition ills such as beriberi and pellagra follow. But far more common in this country are borderline cases. The chronic grouch, the lazybones, the nervous man, the housewife with vague complaints, may be showing effects of food providing too little of these important B's.

Recently identified B's are folic acid and vitamin B12, both important for healthy state of the blood. Folic acid and B12 are being used medically with success in treating two hard- to-cure diseases?pernicious anemia and sprue. Few foods contain real wealth of B vitamins, but in a varied diet many foods contribute some and so build an adequate supply.

One way to make sure of raising your B level is to use regularly bread and flour that have been made from whole grain or that have been enriched so as to restore important B vitamins.

Getting ample milk in diet is important for B's, too, and for riboflavin in particular.

B vitamins play a part in converting fuel in foods into energy. It follows that any one who eats large quantities of starches and sugars also requires more food containing B vitamins.

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Superfood Drinks
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Raw Diets Information

Raw DietsHow to Super Charge Your Diet

How to Super Charge your Diet
What I am going to tell you is some very powerful information. I am going to show you how to make YOUR recipes super healthy like mine. You like eating you favorite recipes, so you should continue to do so. Most recipes can be made healthier.

1. Ratio is more important that quantity. I do not count calories. I want you to make sure that meat is less than one third of your plate and fruits and vegetables are at least 2/3 of your plate. Meat and protein slow down digestion; you need fiber and carbohydrates to keep your digestion moving.

2. Mix proteins and sugars. This will help to keep your blood sugar level. Blood sugar affects energy levels and mood as well as hunger. For example if you eat an orange by itself it will cause your blood sugar to spike. You will have a burst of energy but then be tired a while later. But if you eat a handful of nuts with it will keep your blood sugar level. If you find your self always eating or craving sweets eating some protein with the sweets will reduce this tendency.

3. Try to avoid fats that are solid at room temperature. Your body has trouble processing these fats; they clog you arteries and make you fat. Examples of fats you should try to avoid are lard, margarine, and butter. However you can eat as much good fat as you like. Replace those saturated fats like lard and butter with good fats like olive and vegetable oil. The foods will taste the about the same but be much better for you.

4. As I have mentioned before be careful with packaged foods. Read the ingredients and select the ones with the least chemicals. A lot of things that you buy packaged can be made without chemicals at home easily. See the back issues for my quick easy hummus, salsa, and guacamole recipes. Remember, when you make something yourself you know exactly whats in it.

5. Avoid white flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and white rice. These things are all highly refined and have different bad effects on our health. Drink less soda. It is bad for you. Try to drink less than one or two a day. It raises you blood sugar. Besides that, it rots your teeth; even diet soda has acids that rot teeth. When cooking these things can be easily replaced with whole grain flours, cane sugar, fruit preserves, and long grain brown rice.

6. Kick it up a notch. Add lots of spices to your food. If your food is tasty you will want to eat it and not eat junk or fast food. Most spices are also very powerful antioxidants. Hot things like pepper also increase our metabolic rate. Add spices right at the end of cooking so they retain their full flavor and antioxidant power. Next time I will have the tip of the day be about what may be the most powerful spice of all: cinnamon. If you can afford it or if you are lucky enough to have a garden or sunny window sill, using fresh herbs makes almost anything better. I like to keep a little basil plant on the window sill in the winter.

7. Eat some raw foods. Raw fruits and vegetables have important enzymes that aid our health and detoxify us. Wash them real well. If you can afford to, use organic fruits and vegetables or grow your own. They are often more nutritious. An apple a day keeps the doctor way.

8. Reduce grilled or smoked foods. These processes make toxic chemicals. The char on grilled foods and the smoke flavor in smoked foods contain concentrated free radicals. I know they are delicious, but they are deadly. Try using the broiler, oven or frying in olive oil as alternatives to grilling.

9. Take some vitamins. I think it is good to eat a Multivitamin; it cant hurt and a big jar is cheep.

10. Drink lots of green tea and water. Ice water actually had negative calories. Drink a glass before a meal and you will be less likely to overeat. A glass of hot green tea after a meal will help digestion and elimination of any toxins.

11. Dont skip breakfast. Your mom was right.
What I am going to tell you is some very powerful information. I am going to show you how to make YOUR recipes super healthy like mine. You like eating you favorite recipes, so you should continue to do so. Most recipes can be made healthier.

1. Ratio is more important that quantity. I do not count calories. I want you to make sure that meat is less than one third of your plate and fruits and vegetables are at least 2/3 of your plate. Meat and protein slow down digestion; you need fiber and carbohydrates to keep your digestion moving.

2. Mix proteins and sugars. This will help to keep your blood sugar level. Blood sugar affects energy levels and mood as well as hunger. For example if you eat an orange by itself it will cause your blood sugar to spike. You will have a burst of energy but then be tired a while later. But if you eat a handful of nuts with it will keep your blood sugar level. If you find your self always eating or craving sweets eating some protein with the sweets will reduce this tendency.

3. Try to avoid fats that are solid at room temperature. Your body has trouble processing these fats; they clog you arteries and make you fat. Examples of fats you should try to avoid are lard, margarine, and butter. However you can eat as much good fat as you like. Replace those saturated fats like lard and butter with good fats like olive and vegetable oil. The foods will taste the about the same but be much better for you.

4. As I have mentioned before be careful with packaged foods. Read the ingredients and select the ones with the least chemicals. A lot of things that you buy packaged can be made without chemicals at home easily. See the back issues for my quick easy hummus, salsa, and guacamole recipes. Remember, when you make something yourself you know exactly whats in it.

5. Avoid white flour, white sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and white rice. These things are all highly refined and have different bad effects on our health. Drink less soda. It is bad for you. Try to drink less than one or two a day. It raises you blood sugar. Besides that, it rots your teeth; even diet soda has acids that rot teeth. When cooking these things can be easily replaced with whole grain flours, cane sugar, fruit preserves, and long grain brown rice.

6. Kick it up a notch. Add lots of spices to your food. If your food is tasty you will want to eat it and not eat junk or fast food. Most spices are also very powerful antioxidants. Hot things like pepper also increase our metabolic rate. Add spices right at the end of cooking so they retain their full flavor and antioxidant power. Next time I will have the tip of the day be about what may be the most powerful spice of all: cinnamon. If you can afford it or if you are lucky enough to have a garden or sunny window sill, using fresh herbs makes almost anything better. I like to keep a little basil plant on the window sill in the winter.

7. Eat some raw foods. Raw fruits and vegetables have important enzymes that aid our health and detoxify us. Wash them real well. If you can afford to, use organic fruits and vegetables or grow your own. They are often more nutritious. An apple a day keeps the doctor way.

8. Reduce grilled or smoked foods. These processes make toxic chemicals. The char on grilled foods and the smoke flavor in smoked foods contain concentrated free radicals. I know they are delicious, but they are deadly. Try using the broiler, oven or frying in olive oil as alternatives to grilling.

9. Take some vitamins. I think it is good to eat a Multivitamin; it cant hurt and a big jar is cheep.

10. Drink lots of green tea and water. Ice water actually had negative calories. Drink a glass before a meal and you will be less likely to overeat. A glass of hot green tea after a meal will help digestion and elimination of any toxins.

11. Dont skip breakfast. Your mom was right.


Jason Reischutz is the Editor for "Recipe for Health" newsletter. You can recieve articles like this for free at:

Video Business - Raw: The Living Food Diet.(audiovisual material )(Audiovisual Review)

Mon, 26 Sep 2005 07:00:00 GMT
September 26, 2005 -- Raw: The Living Food Diet Color, NR (nothing offensive), 95 min., DVD only $29.95 DVD: recipe booklet, DVD Chef feature,

If I keep detoxing I’m going to eat the cats - St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Tue, 08 Apr 2008 04:06:41 GMT

If I keep detoxing I’m going to eat the cats
St. Louis Post-Dispatch, United States - Apr 7, 2008
We went back on the diet the next day, but still, we’d failed. Not that we minded. At all. I honestly don’t see how people can do these kinds of diets. ...

3 incredible diets - Chicago Sun-Times

Fri, 04 Apr 2008 09:03:16 GMT

3 incredible diets
Chicago Sun-Times, United States - Apr 4, 2008
Just one teaspoon a day of the powder provides a variety of green grasses, blue-green and sea algae, natural raw fibers and many important antioxidants and ...

Our thoughts on Raw DietsSuperfoods: R - T

�How will I ever eat right when we go out to eat at restaurants the whole time?�
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Superfoods: R - T

Natural Aloe Vera Juice

Set realistic goals and remember to train within your limits. If you are currently sedentary and haven�t exercised in months (or years), don�t begin an advanced training program. Start with a conservative beginner program. Your belly wasn�t built in a day, and neither will be lost overnight.
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Natural Aloe Vera Juice


Dr Leo Kady is a retired physician and researcher and relishes information in a variety of fields. Dr Kady is an editor for ... Please feel free to peruse more articles on health at
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All Seasons Health Chlorella Reviews and information

All Seasons Health ChlorellaHealthy Eating And Super Food - 3 Food Categories That Help Burn Fat


Healthy Eating And Super Food - 3 Food Categories That Help Burn Fat

Submitted By: Yuki Shoji

I'm wondering if you're already aware of what I'm about to share with you? There is some good news for people trying to lose fat and slim down to a healthier and more attractive lifestyle: there are actually foods you can eat with will burn fat for you with any effort on your part. Even better, they can easily be assimilated into any diet; in fact, you may already be eating them on a regular basis and not even know it.

These types of foods actually burn more calories than their own caloric content. They are natural plant food and certain dairy items, and they are as follows:

Foods That Help Burn Fat #1: Citrus

These foods include limes, lemons, grapefruit, tangerines, and oranges. To get the most benefit from them you need to eat them in their freshest form, which means all by themselves. Don't attempt to cut them up and use them for a marinade because you will lose the calorie burning benefits. In addition, don't assume drinking them in juice form will work. Most juices bought at the store are filled with preservatives that negate the calorie burning benefits.

Foods That Help Burn Fat #2: Fruits and Vegetables

Not just any fruits and vegetables though, but fruits and vegetables that are rich in Cellulose. These include watermelon, cabbage, asparagus, carrots, broccoli, apples, and blueberries. Again, remember that certain food preparation can negate the calorie burning benefits of these foods, especially when it comes to the vegetables. To fully achieve the best benefits from vegetables you should only steam them. In addition, don't slather them in butter for taste.

Foods That Help Burn Fat #3: Dairy

Unlike the other foods mentioned above, which you can eat as much of as you want, you have to ingest dairy in moderation. These products include low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt, and white cheese. Make sure and follow the recommended daily allowance on the package closely. Dairy products can be helpful in burning calories, but they also contain other nutrients that you don't want to get too much of, such as carbohydrates.

While eating these foods alone will help you burn calories, if you really want to exacerbate their effects you should combine an exercise routine with the diet. This way you get twice the calorie burning effects. In order to lose one pound per week it is a scientific fact that a person must cut their caloric intake by as much as 500 calories per day. This can be hard to do, but if you work out at least 30 minutes a day and eat these fat burning foods, the process becomes much easier. You'll find that you're less hungry and that you also feel much better about yourself.

Living healthy and looking attractive are goals that everybody can obtain. It is not food that is the enemy, but the food choices people make. And by making the food choice above, people are making the right decision for reaching these goals.

About the Author:

To learn more about healthy eating and superfood secrets, visit and grab free report that releals all. More articles at Healthy Eating Blog to help you perform better Diet & Weight Loss.

Article Tags: fat, food, foods

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