Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Healing discussion

News on Gelatinized MacaSpinach Powder

A water ionizer converts tap water into strong alkaline water with a high pH. A water ionizer is a small appliance that sits on your kitchen counter or can be mounted under the sink. A special attachment redirects tap water from the faucet to the water ionizer through a plastic hose. Once in the water ionizer, the water is filtered through activated charcoal, removing common pollutants found in municipal water. From there it goes into a chamber equipped with platinum coated titanium electrodes, where electrolysis takes place. During this process the water ionizer splits the water into 2 flows, alkaline water and acidic water, both offering incredible benefits. The alkaline water comes out of the faucet in the sink - ready to drink! A separate hose coming from the water ionizer releases acidic (oxidized) water. This acidic water is excellent for sterilizing, washing hands, treating minor wounds and burns and insect bits. It destroys over 99% of bacteria, including E-Coli.
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Spinach Powder

Spirulina Powder Spirulina Tablets Spirulina Capsules

The next stage in the natural acne treatment is cleansing your gut of parasites that can precipitate infections and result in acne. Herbal treatments are available for parasite cleansing and you can use them in combination with herbal formulations for bowel movements.

Natural acne remedies work gradually and sometimes relatively slowly thus, do not expect a miraculous recovery no matter what type of natural acne treatment you are trying out. Follow the treatment as indicated and don�t pause midway because you see some signs of improvement. At times you may need to use the treatment even after your acne has totally improved.Don�t be taken in by myths and cure remedies that have not first been approved by your medical doctor as you may further irritate your skin disorder and cause even more damage than repair.
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Spirulina Powder Spirulina Tablets Spirulina Capsules

Gelatinized MacaMaca Diaries: Week Three (and a delicious smoothie recipe)

Wed, 29 Oct 2008 12:10:22 EDT
We are taking his gelatinized maca powder and find it nice....

Natural Toothbrushes

Natural Remedies discussion

The Past Week: November 23-29 (Dogs; Obamabilia and “Mt. Crapmore”; Jobs; Black Politics; CNN Delivers In-Depth Report on Our Best Hope to Save Us from “First Lady Fashion Fumbles”)

Sun, 30 Nov 2008 02:02:13 EDT
H/T to Make Them Accountable for passing along this clip found at Raw Story…L ... ewis Black on how cheesy the “Obamabilia” sellers are these days:...

IVs - New Location, Same Good Food - Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

Wed, 26 Nov 2008 06:21:53 GMT

IVs - New Location, Same Good Food
Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, MS - Nov 25, 2008
"Those are our big-sellers," he said. "They've done real well for us. That warm chicken salad - I've got people calling me almost on a daily basis saying ...

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