Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Lets talk about Bee Pollen Granules

Our thoughts on Bee Pollen GranulesSupplements

A powder of vegetables or algae can never compare in nutritional value to fresh vegetables, even if those vegetables are not organic.

The real superfoods are dark green vegetables such as spinach, romaine lettuce, black kale, parsley, celery, arugula, and so on.

With the use of �green smoothies� made with *fresh* green vegetables and fruit, anyone can obtain superior nutrition in a few minutes a day (ruling out the argument that people don't have �time� to eat well).
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4. Water is better than Alcohol! Again, What? You should try to drink at least 10-12 glasses of water a day and watch the alcohol consumption. If you do decide to drink alcohol, no more than one drink a night!
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But everyone is different. You should consult your doctor to decide which approach - medication, diet, exercise, or otherwise - makes the most sense for you.
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Science News - Scientist solves secret of bee bread

Sat, 05 Nov 1988 08:00:00 GMT
November 5, 1988 -- Scientist solves secret of bee bread A microbiologist has discovered the microbial ingredients honeybees embed in the nutrient-packed pollen...

Getting more alkaline into your diet

Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:25:59 EDT
Other ways to add alkaline to your diet are: apple cider vinegar, alkaline antioxidant water, bee pollen, lecithin granules, molasses, pro biotic cultures, soured d...

Better Nutrition (1989-90) - The honeybee's gifts: pollen and propolis

Thu, 01 Feb 1990 08:00:00 GMT
February 1, 1990 -- The Honeybee's Gifts: Pollen and Propolis Nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory and all natural, pollen and propolis win new converts. Honey is not...

Hayfever remedies: Bee pollen

Wed, 14 May 2008 15:05:10 EDT
I found my locally-collected bee pollen in the refrigerated section of my local Vitamin Cottage (a health food grocery store). ... Always try one or two granules first, to test for any allergic reaction, before committing to a large amount....I mix a teaspoon of the bee pollen granules into a few ounces of juice or water and drink it in the morning. It’s truly amazing....

Bee Pollen GranulesThe Organic and Healthy Food Market

Recent research by market analysts nVision suggests four in ten adults now choose organic options on a regular basis. Organic supermarkets in England are booming and Europes biggest organic event, the Biofach exhibition in Germany in getting bigger every year.

Unfortunately, at the moment retailers are charging artificially high prices. I was in Tesco last week which is a rare occurrence as I shop locally where possible, and I nearly died when I saw the prices being charged for organic yogurt and eggs compared to the non-organic brands. Its about time that the government started to investigate these organic suppliers and supermarkets to see who is ripping us off! Encouraging competition is not always a good idea as this can drives down prices (good for the consumer) which can put organic suppliers out of business if they have small profit margins. I understand that we have to pay more for organic produce because there are more crop failures due to the fact that the farmers cannot use pesticides, but what is an acceptable percentage and does this vary from product to product. Should organic fish be 10 percent more expensive than non organic fish and vegetables 20 per cent etc?

Once only available in small health shops or farmers markets, organic foods are becoming much more widely available. In the past 10 years sales of organic food in the UK have increased over 10-fold from ?100m in 1993/94 to nearly ?1.4bn in 2004/05. This large growth is predicted to continue, and many companies are jumping into the market. Sales through farmers markets and farm shops have grown faster than any other retail outlet. Organic food and drink now accounts for 1.2 per cent of the total retail market (Source Soil Association).

There are two types of organic foods.

Fresh food

Fresh food is seasonal and perishable. Vegetables and fruits are the most available type of organic, fresh food, and are closely associated with organic farming. They are often purchased directly from growers, at farmers markets, supermarkets or through speciality food stores. Organic meat, eggs, dairy are also available.

Processed food

Processed food accounts for most of the items in a supermarket. Often, within the same store, both organic and conventional versions of products are available, and the price of the organic version is usually higher as already mentioned. Most processed organic food comes from larger companies producing and marketing products like organic baby food, organic beer, organic pasta or other convenience foods.

How do I know its organic?

The term organic is defined by law - all organic food production and processing is governed by a strict set of rules. Look for symbols such as the Soil Association symbol for your guarantee of the highest organic standards. The Soil Association organic symbol is the UK's largest and most recognisable trademark for organic produce. Wherever you see it you can be sure that the food you have purchased has been produced and processed to strict and rigorous animal welfare and environmental standards. Other symbols to look out for include the Organic Food Federation and Certified Organic Ingredients.

Most people dont have enough time to read the labels of all the different food products that they buy to check for organic ingredients. So look for the various symbols, you can then be sure that the product complies with minimum government standards.

The use of such symbols is entirely optional and a product can still be organic even though if it doesnt carry the symbol of a certifying body. That means if you want to be 100% satisfied that what you are eating or using is organic always read the label or speak to the vendor.

Where you will find the symbol? - Look out for organic symbols on almost any kind of food and drink you can think of from fresh produce like fruit, vegetables and meat to processed foods such as bread or baby food. You can even buy organic pet food!

Davinos Greeno works for the organic directory This green directory lists 100s of Organic Food and Drink Companies and Eco Jobs and Campaigning Videos

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More Great Holistic Resources.

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Finding affordable health insurance is no easy task unless you are employed by a business that offers a health benefits package. Unfortunately, not everyone works, or works for an employer who offers a group health insurance plan to his or her employees. If you or your spouse doesn?t have affordable health insurance in San Antonio, Texas, how is your child supposed to obtain affordable child health insurance? Imagine trying to find affordable child health insurance for your child if you?re having difficulty finding affordable health insurance for yourself.

If you live in San Antonio, Texas, or anywhere in Texas for that matter, and have a child or children who are without adequate health insurance, you may want to look into Medicaid for Texas Children.

Medicaid for Texas Children is both a state and federal assistance program that provides children with excellent comprehensive health insurance at affordable prices or at no cost at all. To be eligible for Medicaid for Texas Children, a child must be a resident of the United States and of Texas, under the age of 19. The family of the child applying for Medicaid for Texas Children must meet the Medicaid of Texas Children income requirements.

If a child belongs to a family that receives Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, also referred to as TANF, the child will instantly qualify for Medicaid for Texas Children. Otherwise, the child?s eligibility is determined by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, also referred to as HHSC. If a child is found to be eligible for Medicaid for Texas Children, his or her family?s financial status may be evaluated every half year or so to make sure the child is still eligible.

For more information about the Medicaid for Texas Children program, visit the Texas Department of Insurance Web site, or give them a call. You can also visit the Web site of the Texas Health and Human Services System.

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