Friday, April 11, 2008

Lets talk about Natural Herbal Health Products

Natural Herbal Health Products DiscussionOrganic Spirulina Powder - 1KG - �31.49

So test-drive your diet plan this holiday season.
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 1KG - �31.49

Alfalfa Tablets and Alfalfa Powders

Selection of the appropriate insulin type, dose, and frequency of administration for an individual diabetic cat is ideally based on 18- to 24-hour blood glucose profiles.
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Alfalfa Tablets and Alfalfa Powders

St Johns Wort Powder

Experts say that healthy eating wouldn�t only prevent weight gain but will also help alleviate the more challenging symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, irritability, and mood fluctuations.
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St Johns Wort Powder

HealingNutrition Schools

Find Nutrition Schools in the United States and Canada. Nutrition schools offer training and education in the principles of proper nutrition. Typically, nutrition schools will furnish students with the most up to date holistic and conventional science in relation to dietary intake and nutrition.

While attending one of many nutrition schools, individuals will learn how to adequately address biochemical makeup of each client and how to create individualized health regimens applying proper diet, supplement and specific lifestyle suggestions.

Nutrition schools may provide nutritionist certification programs, as well as Bachelor degree programs in becoming a professional dietician and nutritionist. By enrolling in nutrition schools, individuals can become professional members of the medical service community. Learning how to serve nutritional, lifestyle and total wellness needs of individuals and entire families, nutrition schools help future practitioners to improve overall health through assessment and analytical skills. Students enrolled in nutrition schools will also gain necessary skills to develop appropriate nutritional plans facilitating methods in counseling, monitoring and client support.

Nutrition schools commonly include courses that consist of anatomy and physiology, functional nutrition; among many other related subjects. It is important to understand, too, that many states require licensure and/or certification; so it would be wise for prospective candidates to carefully review state requirements and course curriculums in nutrition schools to meet those requirements.

Successful graduates of nutrition schools can anticipate a positive job market, as professional nutritionists may attain gainful employment in local, state and national governmental organizations; in addition to a large number of medical health care facilities. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, professional nutritionists and dieticians, who have gained adequate training through any one of several nutrition schools, can expect lucrative earnings to over $50k annually on top end.

To learn more about Nutrition schools, please feel free to peruse our Vocational Schools directory today at

Find your dream job! Let education within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore career school programs near you.

Nutrition Schools
? Copyright 2007
The CollegeBound Network
All Rights Reserved

NOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.

Resource Box: CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd - Freelance Writer and Web Consultant for, in association with - Educational Resources for Healing Arts Schools, Nutrition Schools, and other Alternative Medicine Schools.

Vitamins and Minerals for Healthy Hair

Sat, 01 Mar 2008 02:54:49 EST
Healthy hair is not only a pleasure to behold; it is pleasing to the person that has it. A single follicle on the human scalp produces approximately .35 millimeters of hair shaft per day. The cycles o...


Orange Peel Powder Reviews and info

Orange Peel PowderWhy Do So Many Women Suffer from Heart Disease?

Heart disease is the number one killer of Americans and it is befitting considering the health of the heart, on many levels. Most people really do have good hearts, mainly women, but many hearts or heart centers have shut down and hurt is the number one reason for this. Many a women?s heart is damaged, i.e. ?a broken heart? or ?broken-hearted.? Usually some man or male caused the damage. When you shut the heart down in an attempt to protect yourself from hurt, this emotional constriction results in a physical constriction (of the blood vessels in the heart), i.e., poor blood pressure (or high blood pressure). High blood pressure means the blood pressure is high due to constriction of the blood vessels so the heart has to work faster and harder to get blood to flow. This activity taxes the heart.

Now when you harden up your heart emotionally speaking, you have just spun into effect the physical manifestation of hardening up your arteries (that are connected to your heart), hence, arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis is a medical condition or pathology that basically means ?hardening of the arteries?, from the Greek word arteria meaning ?arteries? and Sklerosis meaning ?hardening.? Mosby?s Medical Dictionary, 3rd ed., pg. 94

In addition, hardening up the heart makes the heart heavy, i.e., a ?heavy heart.?

Many women suffer from angina pectoris, a stinging pain in the heart. When your heart has been pained or hurt, emotionally speaking, the emotional hurt or pain stores in the tissues of the heart and can manifest as physical heart pain that doctors call angina.

Metaphysically speaking, the heart is the seat of our true inner-self, the doorway of spiritual illumination, the center through which we express our capacity for deep feeling, nurturing, unconditional love, affection, forgiveness, compassion and sensitivity for oneself, others, and life. Our fears of being hurt, insecurity, feeling unloved, broken-hearted, arrogance, insensitivity, intolerance, misplaced affections and desires; long-held hurt, bitterness, anger, hostility, rage, excessive anxiety and stress, heavy-heartedness, resentment, and lack of forgiveness can block the flow of vitality in the heart area.

There a lot of unhealthy hearts in America, a lot of hurt, injured and damaged hearts. But believe it or not, hurt is actually good for the heart because you can?t know love without knowing pain/hurt. Pain causes the heart to evolve, to blossom. Pain also leads to hate in many women. While hate is detrimental to the body, however, it is simply one extreme of the polarity. Hate and love are the same thing in nature or essence, simply differing in degrees, just like ice and steam, both of which are water but differing at degrees (or temperature). That?s why there?s such a thin line between love and hate, because they are in essence the same thing. Duality exists in all things. This is Universal Law!

Love is the best elixir for a healthy heart and the best mendicant for a broken heart. Like John Travolta?s character in the movie ?Michael? was singing in the backseat of the car: ?All you need is love!?

Formula of the month: JOINT FORMULA

Our Joints Formula will help provide relief to any joint condition or problem, i.e. arthritis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, tendonitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Joint problems are usually inflammatory in nature. Acidosis causes inflammation. The acidic byproducts from meat consumption, dairy, and complex starch/carbohydrate consumption are the biggest culprits in inflammatory joint conditions/problems.

People with joint problems should greatly modify their diet and incorporate more green foods which are alkaline and which neutralize acidosis, start drinking cherry juice concentrate, drinking more water (to flush the body, mainly the joints), and start bathing in sea salt and essential oils of Eucalyptus and Peppermint.

Our Joint Formula contains the best anti-inflammatory herbs available today ? Boswellia, Devil?s Claw, Meadowsweet, Uva Ursi, Mullein, Guaiac, and Safflower. To order, visit our Shopping Cart.


Why are commercial brand chicken eggs white? ANSWER: because they are sterile. Chicken eggs are naturally brown. Chickens are not farm raised today. They are caged in cages located in buildings with synthetic lighting that fool the chickens and makes them produce eggs throughout the day, which greatly taxes the chickens.

Spiritual Facets

?Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.? MATTHEW 7:13-14

The Peacock?s Complaint A peacock was discontented with his ugly voice, and he went to the goddess Juno to complain about it. ?It?s true that you cannot sing,? said the goddess, ?but your great beauty more than makes up for it.? But the peacock was not to be consoled. ?What is the use of beauty,? he asked, ?with a voice like mine?? Now Juno grew impatient. ?Each has his destined gift: you have beauty, the eagle strength, the nightingale song. Yet you alone are dissatisfied. Complain no more, If your present wish were granted, you would only find some other grievance. MORAL: Instead of envying the gifts of others, make the most of your own.

?If we would have the Creator hear us when we pray, we must listen when the Creator speaks.? ? Thomas Benton Brooks

?You can?t keep a good man down without staying down with him.? ? Booker T. Washington

?Cross the river, before insulting the crocodile.? ? African proverb

?None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.? Johann W. Goethe (German Poet, 1749-1832)

Orange Peel PowderIn a stew

Thu, 27 Mar 2008 00:00:00 CST
Q Where can I buy large pieces of candied peel to put on the top of Madeira cake? SS, Cheltenham A Whole Orange, Lemon & Citron Candied Peel can be bought ...

She Knows Cooking Smart - Hint of mint orange chiffon cake

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March 1, 2006 -- MAKING THE MATCH: Moscato d'Asti perfectlymirrors the delicate, fresh, fragrant nature of thiscake. The Casinetta Vietti Moscato d'Asti...

Acne Cure Secrets Exposed - Most Popular Home Remedies for Acne

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Acne is the most common and chronic skin disease. It is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous (oil) glands and hair follicles usually found on the face, the neck...


Holistic Remedies Info

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Holistic RemediesElliptical Exercise Machines Provide Low Impact, Total Body Workouts While Improving Cardiovascular Health

J.GustafsonElliptical Exercise Machines Provide Low Impact, Total Body Workouts While Improving Cardiovascular Health

Ever since their introduction on the fitness scene several years ago, elliptical exercise machines have become increasing more popular and sophisticated. Estimates indicate that over six million people now prefer elliptical machines as their choice for home exercise equipment. The main reason elliptical exercise machines have become so popular is that they provide a low impact, total body workout that is challenging enough for serious athletes but safe enough for beginners and even expectant mothers. And when it comes to cardiovascular workouts, elliptical machines are tough to beat.

Low Impact Workout

Over time, research has shown that in order to maintain healthy bone density, it is necessary to engage in weight-bearing activities such as running, racquetball, aerobics, and other forms of exercise where you remain on your feet. But many of these activities involve jarring the bones and muscles and can aggravate old injuries and even cause new ones. The joints that can be injured or irritated with an impact form of exercise are usually the knees, ankles, hips and back. Pregnant women, people with arthritis, and those who are recovering from an accident often require a low impact exercise routine, and that is exactly what the elliptical exercise machines provide.

With an elliptical machine, you stand with your feet on small, movable platforms, so you are bearing weight, which is good for bone density. But the oval pedaling movement of the machine, which is caused by you stepping up and down on the platforms or pedals, is smooth and flowing. This is the same type of elliptical pattern that the human foot follows when we walk or run. Although the movement is similar to these activities, there is none of the jarring that usually takes place when outdoors or on a treadmill. With an elliptical exercise machine, your feet never leave the footpads. Not only does this make for a safer workout, it reduces the stress on your joints.

Many people have compared elliptical exercise equipment to pedaling a bike while standing up. Others have said they are like a cross between stair climbers and cross country skiing. But unlike a stair stepper, which comes to a halt before reversing direction between up and down strokes, an elliptical machine provides continuous flow. By using different inclines and stepping speeds, you vary the amount of flexion at the ankle and knees and further reduce the amount of repetitive impact on your feet, legs, and back.

An elliptical machine provides the benefits of weight bearing exercise but without the harmful stress and impact on your joints and muscles. There are few home exercise machines out there that give the same quality low impact workout.

Total Body Workout

Elliptical exercise machines also provide a total body workout. Because you are standing and walking or running in place, you use your leg muscles as well as those in your buttocks, back, and abdomen. Most elliptical machines have a setting to reverse the direction of motion, allowing you to go backwards and work additional muscles that very few other exercise workouts target.

In addition, you can swing your arms, carry small hand weights, or use elliptical machines that come with handles and arms to enhance your upper body workout as well, sculpting your biceps, triceps and other upper body muscles while increasing your calorie burn and cardiovascular impact. Exercise experts caution that resting your arms on the frame of the machine or the upper body handles decreases the overall impact of the workout. They stress the importance of letting your legs and torso carry all of your weight so that you get the highest level of total body workout.

Many elliptical machines allow you to adjust the resistance setting and change the incline. These adjustments increase the challenge level of your workout and also target different sets of muscles. The standing position and motion used to operate the machine provide for excellent hip extension and flexion as well as outstanding knee range of motion. For an all over body workout, few home gyms compare to an elliptical machine.

Cardiovascular Workout

Research has found that elliptical exercise machines also provide some of the best cardiovascular workouts of any home fitness equipment. The cardio benefits come from the fact that you are getting a total body workout and using many muscle groups. Since you can adjust incline, speed and other factors, you can maximize cardio impact, making elliptical trainers more effective than weight lifting, leg presses, or other less comprehensive types of exercise. Some elliptical machines come with built in, programmable computers and heart rate monitors to help ensure that you are getting the most out of your exercise routine. The better machines have five to seven different workouts that can be programmed.

In addition, many people feel that the elliptical motion feels natural and is easy to sustain. They find that elliptical machines compliment and enhance normal body movements, making it feel as though this type of workout requires less exertion than other types of exercise. But in fact, studies have shown that elliptical exercise works the cardio muscles and burns calories on a level equal or greater than treadmills, stair steppers and other similar equipment. It only feels easier to use an elliptical machine.

Because most people find elliptical exercise equipment easy and fun to use, they are more likely to workout on a regular basis. Ongoing, consistent exercise is a key aspect of attaining good overall cardiovascular health.

Something For Everyone

Elliptical machine workouts have become one of the most popular forms of exercise, both in the gym and at home. The ease of use for all fitness levels, along with the low impact benefits, cardiovascular features, and total body capabilities make elliptical trainers an ideal choice for nearly anyone looking to get in shape, lose some weight, or even train for athletic events.

The increasing popularity of elliptical technology has led to many different brands and models of equipment as well as numerous variations on the technology. Those seeking to purchase elliptical exercise equipment have many choices in a variety of price ranges, from a few hundred dollars to several thousand. Look for machines that have a sturdy frame, adequately sized foot platforms, upper body handles, and adjustable inclines and directions. With these features on an elliptical home gym, you will be assured of getting a low impact, cardio-friendly, total body workout.

About the author:

C.J. Gustafson is a successful writer for
She has researched a variety of different exercise equipment and believes that elliptical trainers and elliptical machines provide some of the most user-friendly workouts available.
Copyright 2005

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Healthy Living Reviews and info

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It's thought that electromagnets may affect how the brain perceives pain, and increase the production of white cells to fight inflammation and infection.
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Thu, 10 Apr 2008 18:26:48 EDT
It includes commitments to policies such as the living wage, public ownership, support for small businesses, cutting fares, affordable housing, sustainability and g overnmental accountability. ... Any school hoping to be awarded the prestigious Healthy Schools award must get rid of them....

