Sunday, May 18, 2008

brain food Information

General HealthHow Wireless Sensors Will Keep You Safe, Healthy, and Successful

You have superhuman senses, but you don't know it yet.

You can detect the presence of a tiny speck of anthrax in a vast public space, or count the fish in a 4,000 square mile area. You can hear a gunshot hundreds of yards away and use your super-powerful vision to zoom in on a criminal as he tries to escape. You can look in the eyes of a person you've never met, and tell me her identity.

Best of all, with every passing day, your superhuman senses grow stronger. You acquire new ones, too.

No, you didn't get bitten by a radioactive spider or exposed to gamma radiation. You're not a mutant X-Man.

You are just lucky enough to be alive during the birth of a new class of computers, called sensors. They are multiplying faster than chocolate stains at a nursery school birthday party.

In the time it took me to write this far, the human race deployed thousands of new sensors into the world. Some are old-hat sensors like burglar alarms and smoke detectors. But others extend and supercharge our senses in ways that seem ripped out of the pages of your favorite comic book.

If a tree grows in the forest and no one is there, does it make a noise? Sensors are being added to forests - often to study the behavior of wild animals - and the answer is a resounding yes.

Sensors called drifters have been floating on ocean currents for several years now, sending back information not only to researchers but also to elementary school classrooms. In the process, we are learning immense amounts about our oceans and climate.

Thanks to sensors, Air Force pilots in Colorado Springs now control drone planes that run bombing missions in Afghanistan; the pilots' biggest problem is coming home to a normal family life at 5 pm, after operating in a war zone.

Sensors extend your senses to the very little, and the very distant. They can detect pathogens at the molecular level, and monitor the Earth - or other planets - over vast distances. Pictures from satellites show the impact of human development on places such as Mexico City, Las Vegas and the Amazon.

Never before have you - or any other human - been able to see in such detail how our world changes from one day to the other, or one year to the next.

Four big changes are impacting the growth of your new superhuman senses. The first is that sensors are increasingly becoming wireless, which means they can operate almost anywhere. The second is that we are figuring out how to get sensors to use very small amounts of power, or even to generate all the power they need from their environment (i.e. solar power, or power from natural vibrations.) Third, sensors are shrinking rapidly.

Finally, sensors are being networked together. Altogether, these changes mean that sensors will literally be woven into the fabric of our world.

Think of a new Internet of sensors, which will extend your senses in ways that are difficult to imagine. Do you know where your children are right now? Soon, your answer will always be yes.

In fact, it's already a mistake to think that Google only searches web pages. Through the web, you can already access millions of sensor readings, from radar screens and satellite imagery to sensor data from nature preserves such as Great Duck Island

If you have ever read a comic book, you know that gaining superhuman powers will change your life. Peter Parker didn't come home with new spider powers and go on with life as usual. These powers turned his life upside down.

Likewise, these new powers will change the course of human history. Quickly.

Sensors will reveal the truth about our history, environment, interactions, and universe. Just look at NBC's Olympic coverage, and you'll get an idea what I mean. They can now superimpose one ski racer's run over his competitor, so you can see precisely when and how one racer got the edge. No more vague generalities; we can now see 1/100ths of a second differences between two performances.

Knowing the truth excites some people, and terrifies others. Just ask Superman what it's like to have x-ray vision. Sometimes it's pretty depressing to know the truth.

Take a moment and look around. In less time than it will take the Yankees to win another World Series, sensors will be in your clothing, walls, pets, vehicles and body. Of course, you may be an early adopter, in which case all of these are already true.

About the Author

The best technology firms in the world have a secret weapon. He's Bruce Kasanoff, a writer with a remarkable gift for making complex innovations easy to understand. Bruce turns techno babble into interesting and engaging stories. If prospects are having trouble understanding what you do - and why they need it call Bruce Kasanoff today at 203-341-9448

brain food ReviewsRespiratory Health

To prevent your baby from diaper rashes make use of baby ointment so as to make your baby a healthy baby.
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Respiratory Health

Magno Ball - Reduces limescale and hardwater

Arthritis Prevention
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Magno Ball - Reduces limescale and hardwater


Lets talk about Astragalus Tincture

Astragalus TinctureUnderstanding The Health Risks Of Exposure To Benzene

Benzene is a colorless, sweet smelling, highly combustible liquid that is extensively used in chemical industries and other manufacturing industries like rubber, plastics, paints, resins, drugs, pesticides, and synthetic products.

Gasoline and tobacco smoke also contain traces of this chemical. Benzene is a known carcinogen. Long-term exposure to a carcinogen is a potential health hazard. Various diseases ranging from anemia to cancer have been reported in workers and other persons exposed to benzene for long periods. The law provides for compensation for benzene afflicted health effects.

Exposures to benzene can take place through a number of sources. Workers in many industries are exposed to benzene vapors. Spills, leaks, and accidents also occur. Some amount of benzene is present in the atmosphere as by- product of human activity. It's also found in automobile exhausts, cigarette smoke, paint fumes, and hazardous wastes. People living near these industries are also vulnerable to benzene exposures.

Benzene can enter the body through inhalation, ingestion, or skin infusion. Short period exposure may be attributed to the following symptoms:

Rapid pulse
Loss of consciousness
Damage to the nervous system
Suppression of the immune system

Death may also occur if a large concentration of benzene enters the body due to spills, leaks, or accidents. Long-term exposure may cause:

* Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a type of cancer that affects the blood

* Secondary Aplastic Anemia

* Damage to the reproductive system

Other types of leukemia and severe anemia are also reported in long-term exposure. Benzene enters the blood stream and gets broken down in the liver leading to formation of harmful metabolites. It affects bone marrow and fatty tissues. It can prevent bone marrow from producing enough red blood cells, which can lead to anemia. In addition, it can impair the immune system by altering antibody levels in blood and the depletion of white blood cells. The amount, route, and length of time of exposure, as well as the age and preexisting medical condition of the exposed person determines the seriousness of the impact.

As benzene is a potential health hazard, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) monitor levels of benzene. EPA monitors levels in air and water and OSHA looks after occupational health issues of the workers. Removing your clothes, washing your entire body with soap and water, and getting medical care are the immediate steps you need to take if you think that you have been exposed to benzene.

Independent tests carried out in the United States in early 2006, indicate levels of benzene 2-5 times the World Health Organization (WHO) water quality guideline levels of 10 parts per billion (ppb or 0.01 milligrams per liter). There is a growing concern about the rising health hazards of this chemical. OSHA has mandated that exposure levels should be restricted to 1 part of benzene per million parts of air (based on a 40-hour workweek). If these stringent provisions are not followed and general awareness about benzene related health effects are not raised, incidences of people getting sick or dying from exposure to benzene will continue to rise.

Disclaimer - The information presented here should not be interpreted as or substituted for medical advice. Please talk to a qualified professional for more information about Benzene.

About the Author:

Copyright ? 2006, Heather Colman. Find more Benzene resources at

Astragalus Tincture DiscussionSt Johns Wort Powder

A 2-hour video of Dr. Beck can be watched here:
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St Johns Wort Powder

Hemp Seed Oil Skincare (Yaoh)

Let me tell you that it was the most disgusting, horrible concoction that I ever had in my entire life!

Obviously, the noni is not a natural food for humans, as there is no way anyone would want to consume it unless they thought it had some medicinal value.

My Tahitian friends explained how they prepare the noni juice. They put all these unappetizing, weird-smelling noni fruits in a jar and then let the thing ferment for several days.
View this websit fo...
Hemp Seed Oil Skincare (Yaoh)

Astragalus TinctureAvian Bird Flu Preparation

Wed, 09 Apr 2008 18:32:06 EDT
The these include: Echinacea, Olive Leaves, Garlic, Astragalus, Licoric, Shiitake Mushrooms, Cat s Claw, Ginger, Onion, St. John s Wort, Lemon Balm and Green Tea....

Detoxing from Fluoride part II

Fri, 25 Apr 2008 23:46:10 EDT
An herb I am going to try for my autoimmune conditions is Astragalus tincture....

Testosterone — The Sexy Hormone

Tue, 04 Mar 2008 23:43:05 EDT
Diabetics should not use it either, as it increases blood sugar levels. Astragalus. ... Deer Antlers are ground and generally made into a tincture form. It stimulates the hormonal system. http://alternativeapproaches. com/pnuke1/Article24. html...

Herbs for Excessive sweating

Thu, 15 May 2008 02:33:49 EDT
The herb gets into action of suppression of perspiration after about two hours of taking sage juice, tincture or tea, and the effect lasts for days. About 4tbsp. ... Astragalus: Reduces excess sweating and balances the sweat response by increasing or decreasing sweating as needed....

Ethylene Gas Guardian
