Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Holistic Remedy Info

Topics on EcozoneOrganic Spirulina Powder - 125g - �6.29


Phospholipids are a predominant part of all cellular and organelle membranes and thus are an extremely important biochemical component. They are particularly rich in brain tissue, sphingosines, and in sphingomyelin. The choline fraction of phosphotidl choline is a component of the neuronal transmitter acetylcholine. There is no dietary requirement for phospholipids since the body is capable of manufacturing them. However, there is a considerable body of medical literature indicating the beneficial effects of supplementing lecithin, phosphotidl choline, to the diet. A dosage of choline ranging from three to twelve grams per day has been used for such conditions as tardive dyskinesia, pre-senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, manic depression, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and a wide range of other neurological and locomotor as well as autonomic dysfunctions in humans and animals. 22-28
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 125g - �6.29

Wheatgrass - Organic Wheatgrass Powder.

EGCG is a flavonoid type of antioxidants that is typically found in plants and has been connected with many health benefits, including protecting against cancer and heart disease. EGCG is an important antioxidant in green tea that is proven to be the most primary explanation for why green tea is beneficial to a persons health.
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Wheatgrass - Organic Wheatgrass Powder.

Naturally Green Blog - Bee Pollen
Fenugreek Liquid Extract - Trigonella foenum-graecum 100ml
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Libido for Women

Now that you have a different perspective on the subject of menopause we can continue on and focus on menopause symptoms, treatments, lifestyle and diet to help you get through this transition with ease, confidence and overall good health. Menopause symptoms include:
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Organic Peat Free Compost

Eva Moffat an Ex- Nurse has helped many people with their Weight Loss problems over the years. Now it is your turn to be helped. For more of Eva�s practical help, visit Eva�s Weight Loss Site
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Organic Peat Free Compost

Natural Skin CareNatural Beauty: Feel Good in Your Own Skin - AsianWeek

Tue, 13 Jan 2009 09:06:04 GMT

Natural Beauty: Feel Good in Your Own Skin
AsianWeek, CA - Jan 13, 2009
With the help of her esthetitician and her family’s support, Iluminata Skin Care was born a few months ago. Its natural and personalized treatments were a ...

Wired 4.06: The War Against the Future

... A chain-smoker with pallid gray skin and receding, mousy-brown ... Used to be, the companies took care of their employees ... Much of it is natural, a by-product of the ...

Get Free Info on Healthy Eating For Younger Looking Skin!

Sat, 10 Jan 2009 01:22:19 EST
If you are like me, you probably know some of the best things in life are free! Here's some free info on healthy eating for younger looking skin. Striving to meet your optimum nutritional needs is imp...

