Thursday, May 29, 2008

Have you heard of Pollen

PollenTea - Not Only Perks You Up, But Benefits Your Health Too

For many who are not aware about the importance of tea, can get to know it a little better. Tea has been around for more than 5,000 years and hopefully would be around for another 5,000 years. There are four basic types of tea black, green, oolong and the most uncommon and rare breed is the white.

All teas come from the same plant called as "Camellia sinensis" a shrub which happens to grow up to 60 feet if found in wild. The processing pattern is different for each tea which makes the difference.

You can also have iced tea which is equally beneficial like any other hot cup of tea. Tea carries anti-cancer properties of polyphenols which helps to fight cancer. There is very less risk of heart disease as it prevents blood from clotting and helps to reduce cholesterol levels.

With the charm of refreshment and adding sparkle to your life, it also helps in shielding you from some of the most deadly diseases mankind has ever known. After a thorough research it has been said that drinking 2 cups of tea everyday can reduce your risk of developing ovarian cancer by 50%.

It has been very useful to maximize your body defenses to fight diseases like cancer and heart disease. Black tea protects you against cancers. It also helps in reducing your bad cholesterol.

Having tea in comparison to coffee is better because coffee contains more caffeine which is not good for our health. One who adds milk to their tea helps in developing strong bones as milk has calcium which is good for the bones.

Tea contains fluoride and tannins which drive the plaque away. It helps in keeping your dental records white and shiny, of course including your usual dental regime which would involve brushing and flossing.

Even though there has been research that caffeinated fluids dehydrates your body which includes tea. But it has now been seen that caffeine doesn't dehydrate you entirely, unless you happen to drink five to six cups at one time. So having little tea can help you remain hydrated.

Having ginger tea may help you get relief from sore throat. Having herbal tea can be very good to get rid of the early cold attack. Teas like enchinacea, peppermint and chamomile would do wonders against the cold if you combine all these together to make a brewing hot cup of tea. If taken 2 to 4 times a day, it may just do the trick.

About the Author

Kevin Pederson, webmaster for home remedial sites which provides information on home based cures. Home based remedy with Tea. With some good nutrients tea happens to provide many benefits to us.

PollenPollen the inspiration of local artist's Mueller installation - KXAN-TV

Thu, 29 May 2008 02:59:05 GMT

Pollen the inspiration of local artist's Mueller installation
KXAN-TV, TX - 15 hours ago
AUSTIN, Texas (KXAN) -- Pollen is an enemy of most Central Texas allergy sufferers, but for local artist Chris Levack, it was the inspiration for his latest ...

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Organic FertiliserTop 7 Benefits Of Exercise To Good Health


Top 7 Benefits Of Exercise To Good Health

Submitted By: Raymond Geok Seng Lee

You are always busy. You do not have the time to exercise. Your life is a hectic whirl. By the end of the day, you do not have the energy to exercise. Of course, you have tried to exercise, but you have never been able to stick with it. You do not like to perspire. The local health club is expensive and snobby. And with your less-than-perfect body, you feel embarrassed to be seen there. Your home is too small for fancy equipment. You already have a cross-country ski machine gathering dust in your basement. Whenever you look at it, you do not feel motivated, you feel guilty. Instead of working out, you rather just curl up with a good book and not even think about exercise. The fact is, that you do not have to spend half of your life sweating buckets at fancy health clubs to reap major physical and emotional benefits from exercise. All it takes to improve health and fitness and look and feel a whole lot better is to incorporate just a little more physical activity into your daily life. You hardly have to break into a sweat. Here are some of the benefits from exercise.

1. Improves Sleep And Minimizes Insomnia

Exercise feels invigorating, but several hours later it helps the body wind down to sleep. It is recommended to have low- to moderate- intensity exercise to improve sleep and treat insomnia. Just do not exercise shortly before bed or you may wind up feeling more invigorated than sleepy.

2. Builds Strength, Flexibility And Stamina

As you exercise, your muscles become stronger, your joints become more supple, and you can remain active longer without tiring. In other words, the more you exercise, the less taxing it feels, and the more likely you are to enjoy it and stick with it.

3. Help Control Weight

In addition to burning extra calories while you are exercising, physical activity boosts basal metabolic rate ? the rate at which the body burns calories while at rest. When you are physically active, you continue to burn extra calories even after you stop exercising. You may not lose 20 pounds taking leisurely strolls, but you will be better able to maintain your current weight. With low-intensity exercise and a low-fat diet, you will probably lose a few pounds.

4. Reduces Risk Of Heart Disease

Heart disease is the nation?s leading cause of death. Low-intensity exercise helps prevent it by strengthening the heart, reducing blood pressure, lowering cholesterol and combating obesity and diabetes.

5. Take Helps Manage Arthritis

Exercise moves the major joints through their full range of motion, which helps to keep them pain-free. Exercise also releases endorphins, the body?s pain relieving chemicals.

6. Mood Elevation

In addition to relieving pain, endorphins released by exercise also have an anti-depressant effect. Many mental health professionals encourage exercise as a natural complement to other treatments for depression.

7. Helps Preserve Bone

Regular, moderate, weight-bearing exercise such as walking, gardening, dancing and so forth helps maintain bone density and prevent bone-thinning osteoporosis ? a major health problem for women over 50.

About the Author:

Raymond Lee is one of the foremost experts in the health and fitness industry specializing in body health, muscle development and dieting. He is currently the author of the latest edition of "Neck Exercises and Workouts." Visit for more information.

Article Tags: exercise, feel, helps

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Organic Fertiliser NewsHealth Products By Ailment

Basically, my immune system developed antibodies which were now attacking my own muscle receptor cells; therefore, the communication from the nerve to the muscle to tell the muscle to move, to function, was severely disrupted. Myasthenia Gravis literally means �grave muscle weakness.� This grave muscle fatigue and weakness proved to be my biggest challenge and worst symptom. For several years, I suffered from severe to moderate and continuous disability. To make things worse, the symptoms often fluctuated from minute to day, often times without rhyme or reason. I eventually went through the cycle of negative emotions that many individuals with chronic illness experience: powerlessness, self-pity, frustration, isolation, anger, envy, fear and anxiety, jealousy and grief. I felt frustrated and powerless that my own body did not work. I felt sorry for myself, now that I had a big challenge that many people did not. I even felt jealous and envious of those with healthy bodies. In the darkest moments, when I became overwhelmed with the physical symptoms and emotional changes within me, I even felt isolated. I began living in a state of fear. I became fearful to try to do anything active for fear I would relapse. My negative emotions fed off one another and I became even more overwhelmed and even more exhausted. The dark cycle repeated itself over and over again, and I continued to experience losses in every aspect of my life.

Almost everything I was told, or that I researched, indicated that I would have to live with this disabling medical condition for the rest of my life. Working, functioning, and certain activities were things that were either gone, limited, or would remain extremely difficult�and part of a daily challenge. Although with the medical treatments my disease stabilized, I remained significantly impaired in daily and work function even three years later. But I wanted to truly live an abundant life.
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