Monday, September 15, 2008

Health and Wellbeing Info

Natural Weight LossMenopause and Weight Loss

During menopause, many women report that the challenge of weight loss becomes even more difficult. The need to lose weight haunts women most of the time, and now more men are reporting the same struggle. When women hit menopause, weight gathers around the waist and hips; despite our best efforts to diet and exercise.

What we know is that this additional body fat is linked to your hormones. Most women follow a conventional low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet with lots of processed foods. Eventually this diet creates a condition known as insulin resistance; see Dr. Schwarzbein's book on the book list. When you are insulin resistant, your body converts calories into fat even when you are dieting. Menopause feels like a losing battle, but it doesn't have to be.

When you are stressed, as the body typically is during menopause, stress hormones block weight loss. Despite adequate food, the body acts as if it's in a famine and stores all spare calories as fat.
This leads to a metabolic disorder called adrenal fatigue.

Many women combine a high-stress life with a low-fat, high-carb diet which creates a powerful hormonal imbalance which causes us to gain weight. Yo-yo dieting exacerbates the problem.
Also, when a woman is on a high-carb diet she is often barraged with a craving for sweets. The body can't maintain optimal blood sugar and serotonin levels, so you snack and drink caffeine to feel better. That makes your insulin resistance worse and the vicious cycle of gaining weight is accelerated.

During perimenopause, women lose estrogen which is an added factor to this problem. As estrogen decreases, the body needs extra fat resources. Other factors that play into this problem, are unresolved emotional issues, food sensitivities, digestive issues such as yeast, and even heavy metal toxicity.

So what do we do?

The most important step is to GET HEALTHY!

Follow an eating plan like the one in the Schwarzbein Principle or the Zone Diet

You need protein at every meal, low carbs, very little to no processed food, and lots of fruit and vegetables

Drink plenty of water

Take nutritional supplements

Try Supplements Designed for Menopause

Stop weighing yourself, use your clothes as a gauge (focus on your health not your weight)

Start exercising - walk 4-5 times a week for 30 minute (it boosts metabolism)

Get help for emotional eating - you have to face your fears to get through them

Reduce the stress in your life, make time for fun and relaxation - strive for BALANCE

Learn to love yourself during menopause and accept who you are and at what stage in life you find yourself

Menopause can make weight loss even more challenging for both women and men. But with the right knowledge and some hard work, it can be done.

The information in this article is for educational purposes only, and is not intended as medical advice.

About the author:
Cathy writes frequently on mid-life issues for women and men particularly menopause, and a copy of her book can be found at
To read a sample of this book go to

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Did you hear of Natural Remedies

Natural RemediesStress and Diet

Stress is one of the most common causes of disease and premature breakdown of the body. Stress weakens our immune system and makes us more susceptible to disease. However, stress can also strengthen our bodies and help us to respond to the challenges of life. The key is Balance. Unfortunately, most of us never get there. When we are stressed what is really happening is that the sympathetic portion of our nervous system is turned on. This system basically takes over when the body views something as threatening. This is also called the fight or flight response. The essence of stress says, ?I don?t need to worry about anything on the inside right now because if I don?t survive what is in front of me right now, tomorrow won?t matter.? This system pushes all the available energy in the body to the major muscle groups and puts the brain on maximum alert.

While certainly there are times when we all need to be able to respond to stress, most of us need to learn how to shut this system off or at least try to lessen the intensity. Triggers for this type of response are things like deadlines, bills you can?t pay, negative relationships and work related stress. What is essential to understand about stress is that like, ? I?m not going to make it,? ?I?m going to show them? and ?they don?t like me? are all connected into this type of reasoning. Emotions such as anger, anxiety, worry, fear and depression are key as well. So what is the balance here? The good news is that we all have another side to us. This is called the parasympathetic nervous system. This system says everything is OK on the outside and now it is time to take care of what is on the inside. Some of the functions that these systems control are things like digestion, elimination, sexuality and sleep. Now you can understand why you should never fight at the dinner table or eat before you go swimming or have an argument before going to bed. Not listening to what our bodies are telling us puts our health at risk.

The best way to turn on the parasympathetic nervous system is to feed your self-positive thoughts. Stopping in the middle of a stressful event and saying, ?this is not life threatening? or ?I?m going to make it just fine? will help to keep the stress to a minimum. Taking the time for things like a quiet time in your faith, meditation, read encouraging books, eating correctly and getting plenty of sleep, can make a huge difference in balancing out your stressful lifestyle.

Another part of the human experience is the role of relationships. Having relationships that are authentic, real and intimate are great for putting things in perspective and making us feel loved. Human beings are not solitary animals, we are communal animals and we need social interactions and support. Stress can also affect the physical body, which can cause the body to lock up or trigger constant muscle spasms.

Complimentary therapies such as chiropractic, massage, and acupuncture can help to play a key role in helping you to manage your stress. Nutrition too, can play a key role in managing stress. How we eat and what we eat speaks for how we manage our stress. And lets not forget exercise. A daily routine of fitness and exercise can help to reduce the body?s anxiety and tension.


1. We consume caffeine, smoke too much, and take a drug

2. We seek comfort foods such as chocolate, sweets, sugar drinks?

3. We eat what is convenient ? fast food, snacks

4. We forget to eat

5. We forget to take our vitamins

6. We eat too fast

7. We eat too much

8. We eat too late

9. We take antacids

10. We allow negative thoughts to interfere in our life


1. Drink water

2. Plan ten healthy meals and snacks and have them on hand

3. Schedule regular meals, 4-5 hours apart, with snacks in-between.

4. Take vitamins and minerals, probiotics and enzymes to strengthen your immune system

5. Eat slowly and take time to relax when you eat

6. Don?t over eat

7. Don?t eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.

8. Watch your combinations of foods

9. Think positive thoughts.


1. Continually remind yourself that, ? this is not life threatening.?

2. Constantly say, ?I?m going to make it.?

3. Talk about your stress to people that care and take time to listen to others

4. The difference between a roaring lion trying to devour you and just another day at work is the internal dialog you are feeding yourself.

5. Meditate. Stop and Listen to yourself. Input a positive thought. Quell it with a deep breath. Be still in the silence. Pause.

6. Take a walk. Getting out in Nature can calm the mind. Strenuous exercise can sometimes be more harmful than helpful. It may feel good at the time, but it only takes you on a false euphoria before it drops you back down. This is a biochemical feeling only and not a true reality to what your body is feeling.

7. Be good to yourself. Take time for yourself. Make yourself a priority. Love yourself for who you are. Give yourself a hug. You are love and loved.

8. Lastly, remember to Breathe. It is your source of calm and clarity in any situation.

Taking into consideration all of the above recommendations, make yourself a priority in all you do. Over-eating, under-eating and rushing through a meal produces stress internally for your digestive system. Eating a nutritious meal slowly, enjoying the taste of it, and what works for your body chemistry, can help you feel better, think calmer and deal with life?s sometimes taxing journey.

Kate Montgomery, is a Certified Sports Massage Therapist, Naturopathic Doctor, Touch For Health Instructor and Author. She counsels her clients on nutritional programs using hair tissue mineral analysis as her guide. Her focus is on self-care ? teaching practical and functional techniques - helping others to increase their knowledge, and understanding, allowing each person to further their responsibility for their health and well-being. She is the author of End Your Carpal Tunnel Pain Without Surgery, The Athletic Ritual, and Pain Free Back. For more on Kate?s books & programs, go to

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