Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Barleygrass Reviews and info

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When you are suffering from heartburn, the main thing that you want to do is to stop the pain. Today�s medical knowledge of heartburn has led to the development to various drugs that have the ability to stop or ease heartburn. However if you want to try alternative forms of medication, then what are the remedies that you have available to you?
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Acid reflux is an annoying and painful condition. Just ask anyone who has ever had
serious heartburn and they will nod their heads in agreement. The issue is that
ongoing attacks of heartburn can have long-term consequences for you. Most
people simply never think this far ahead but acid reflux is something to be
taken seriously as this article will prove.

So what are the dangers of having long term acid reflux? What conditions might
you develop if you don not take preventive steps in the early stages? There are
two that you need to be particularly aware of.

Barrets Esophagus

This condition occurs when the tissue lining the esophagus
changes to a type of tissue more commonly found in the small intestine. This
condition does not only affect people with acid reflux but is 3 - 5 times more
likely to occur within somebody suffering from acid reflux. The main worry with
Barrets Esophagus is that it can lead to a type of terminal cancer called
esophageal adenocarcinoma. People with this Barrets Esophagus are 100 - 150
times more likely to develop this type of cancer!

How can doctors diagnose the presence of this type of cancer?

Not easily I am afraid. Physical examinations and blood tests do not provide accurate enough
information for the correct diagnosis to take place. The only test that has been
proven to be of any value in detecting this condition is something called an
upper gastrointestinal endoscopy and biopsy. This is where a small tube with a
camera attached is lowered into the esophagus. If the tissues present appear to
be normal then a small sample is taken. Later in the laboratory medical
technicians can usually spot the presence (or not) of Barrets Esophagus.

Erosive Esophagitis This is another fairly common risk faced by those with acid
reflux. This condition is caused when acid from the stomach flows back up into
the esophagus and causes irritation. The symptoms that provide a warning of this
conditions presence are as follows:

* Difficulty Swallowing

* Burning Sensation In The Throat

* Oral Lesions

To help detect this condition doctors perform either an endoscopy or a barium
swallow. Barium is a chemical that dyes the inside of your body so that an x-ray
can see right inside of you and track a problem to its source.

What if you do not treat erosive esophagitis? If left untreated, esophagitis can
cause intense discomfort as well as malnutrition and dehydration due to the
trouble associated with painful swallowing. If esophagitis is diagnosed, it can
be treated via medication which can help to reduce the amount of acid produced
in the stomach and allow you to lead a normal life.

As you can see acid reflux is not just about having annoying heartburn. It can
be far more serious than that; sometimes with life-threatening consequences.

Jill Seimer and her driving devotion to help others shares health living at target="_new" href="http://www.refluxlife.com">RefluxLife.com Recently discussing target="_new" href="http://www.refluxlife.com/treatment/infants.html">Acid Reflux in Children from personal experience.

Going RAW - como fazer a transição para a alimentação VIVA

Mon, 20 Oct 2008 13:08:38 EDT
(1) Escolha um superalimento verde: suco de broto de trigo (wheatgrass) ou suco de broto de cevada (barleygrass) - esse pode ser um bom começo....

Samson Ultra Electric Twin Gear Wheatgrass Juicer - Perfect Juice Machine for Juicing Fruits, Vegetables, Wheat Grass, Barley Grass & More.

Tue, 23 Sep 2008 00:26:17 EDT
Juices Vegetables, Fruits, Wheatgrass and Barleygrass Twin Gear Technology Low Noise 3...Juices Vegetables, Fruits, Wheatgrass and Barleygrass....

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