Sunday, December 14, 2008

Recent information on Carob Powder

Red Velvet Bingle, Anyone? (Jackson Free Press)

Mon, 01 Dec 2008 22:25:56 GMT
Occasionally we all have an urge to snack, no matter how health-conscious we may be. Recently, hit by a persistent sugar craving, I found myself nowhere near a health-food store, so I did what any other red-blooded American would do and stopped at a convenience store.

Red Velvet Bingle, Anyone? (Jackson Free Press)

Mon, 01 Dec 2008 22:25:56 GMT
Occasionally we all have an urge to snack, no matter how health-conscious we may be. Recently, hit by a persistent sugar craving, I found myself nowhere near a health-food store, so I did what any other red-blooded American would do and stopped at a convenience store.

