Sunday, September 07, 2008

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Raw Food Nutrition DiscussionSuperfoods: F - J

For beginners, getting into fitness can be intimidating and confusing. But it doesn�t have to be that way. In fact, getting fit is one of the most straightforward tasks you�ll attempt in the New Year. Fortunately, reaching your fitness goals requires only two things; discipline (that�s up to you) and a set of simple guidelines (which I�m happy to provide).
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Superfoods: F - J

General Health10 Ways to Eat, Drink and be Merry ... And Still be Healthy

Copyright 2005 Linda Slater Dowling

Many Americans get more than they asked for during the holiday season. In fact, the average person gains five extra pounds between Thanksgiving and New Years. Indeed, the temptations of the holidays--from Uncle Bob's "special" eggnog to grandma's famous potatoes au gratin and rich pecan pie--can be hard to resist. The holidays are definitely a time to indulge here and there, but if "here and there" turns into "morning, noon and night," your health and weight could be affected.

But there is good news: you can have your cake and eat it too. Here are 10 tips on how to continue your healthy eating trend right on through the holiday season--without being left out in the cold.

1. Make Healthy Foods Easily Accessible. You're running through the mall, trying to find that perfect sweater for your sister, when you realize you haven't eaten in hours and you're famished. In the moment, you opt for a fast food burger to tide you over. You can avoid many a fast-food meal by carrying some healthy snacks with you (cut-up vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc.) and waiting to eat until you get home. (If you find you're ordering a lot of fast-food while at home, consider cooking a few meals and freezing them. They're perfect to heat up while you're busy writing holiday cards--and your parents will thank you!)

2. Don't Start a Diet. "Dieting" per se, is rarely a good idea any time of year, but trying to be too strict during the holidays may leave you feeling deprived. If you are overweight, focus on not gaining any weight (like many Americans do) during this festive time. If you're a healthy weight, focus on maintaining your weight. If you're underweight, make sure that stress and the season's hustle-and-bustle don't cause you to lose any pounds.

3. Focus on the "Good" Foods. When faced with a Thanksgiving or other holiday feast, a good trick is to fill up on foods you know are good for you, and take just a taste of the others.

Holiday Foods to Focus On
Green beans, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, squash and sweet potatoes--just watch out for heavy sauces or marshmallow toppings.
All vegetables and crudit?s.
Natural meats (Turkey, beef, chicken and duck are all good options, but be wary of processed sausages that may contain cancer-causing nitrites.)
Cheese cubes and fruit appetizers.
Cranberries (They're loaded with antioxidants, fight cancer and help protect your heart, teeth and urinary tract from disease. One caveat, some cranberry sauces contain lots of sugar.)

Holiday Foods to Taste
Pumpkin, apple and pecan pies: all have some nutritional qualities, but they're loaded with sugar (and store-bought varieties may contain dangerous trans fats).
White breads and pastas.
Mashed potatoes and stuffing (white potatoes are mostly starch, and stuffing is mostly white bread).
Cookies, candies and other sweets.

4. Limit, or Avoid, Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are loaded with calories and may make you less aware of your healthy eating goal.

5. Keep Moving. OK, so this isn't really about eating, but keeping some sort of exercise routine going through the holiday season is one of the best gifts you can give to your health. You may even want to start a tradition of taking a long walk after Thanksgiving dinner. Don't worry if you don't stick completely to your normal routine--just keep moving as often as you can.

6. Be Choosey. Take a look at all of the food dishes before you begin to fill up your plate. Then only pick those foods that you really want. You may be used to doing this at your campus cafeteria, but when it comes to your family's home-cooking it may take more of a conscious decision to not overeat.

7. Don't Starve Yourself. Make certain that you eat throughout the day, rather than "saving it all up" for one meal. Waiting until the big Thanksgiving meal or holiday dinner buffet to eat is a surefire way to end up feeling like a stuffed turkey.

8. Fresh is Always Best. When faced with food choices, remember to stick to the cardinal rules of healthy eating: fresh, whole foods are (almost) always better than processed ones. The same goes for homemade foods over store-bought ones. While your mom's gingerbread cookies may be a little burnt on the edges or have irregularly shaped arms and legs, they don't contain the preservatives, artificial flavors and colors that are sure to be found in commercial cookies.

9. Stop Eating When You're Full. It sounds obvious, but avoid using the holidays as an excuse to eat until you need to loosen your belt a couple of notches. Overeating takes a toll on your body, and you'll have a hard time enjoying the rest of the day's festivities with an upset stomach. Eat only until you feel full--if you get hungry later you can always snack on the leftovers.

10. Enjoy. It is the holidays, after all.

About the Author

Linda Slater Dowling, a certified natural health professional, is CEO & founder of the Nutritional Institute, home of the new STUDENT FORMULA Natural Health Products. For a FREE e-book on "Eating Right on a Budget" visit their web site at . You may also want to sign up for their popular "Be Smart, Be Healthy, Be Natural" newsletter.

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Psyllium CapsulesLose Weight Healthily

If you are suffering from weight problem, you do not have to worry too much that you do not want to face the world again. You see, there are a lot of ways to lose that unwanted weight, so if you are determined to lose it; you start working on it now.

First thing to consider is this; you have to reduce your calories intake. You can eat three meals a day. Do not be tempted to eat between meal snacks. You can avoid high-calorie foods such as the fat on meat, salad oil, cooking fat, fried foods, gravies and rich sauces, nuts, pastries, cakes, cookies, rich desserts, candies, jellies, and jams. Avoiding high calorie foods can help you lose your weight healthily. You can eat small amount of bread and cereal.

Do not eat too much, just the right amount of fruits and vegetables. And eat variety of fruits and vegetables. You can also eat potatoes, but eat medium-sized of potato. Make sure to eat fruits and vegetables directly, do not put cream sauce, fat, sugar and so on. Eating protein rich food is necessary, but do not eat too much of it, you can take small amount of lean meat, milk and eggs.

You see, you really have to watch what you eat; you have to make sure you do not eat too much. Eat the right food and the right amount of it. In doing so, it can help you lose your weight healthily.

You also have to do exercise. Excising an hour a day can help you lose that unwanted weight.

Another helpful way in order to lose weight is by using herbal remedies that you can add to your daily regimen. There are a lot of herbal remedies out there that you can choose from. Adding herbal remedy to your daily regimen can help you lose that weight, and it is surely effective, safe and no side effect on it.

Hoodia gordonii is one example of herbal remedy that you can use to lose your weight. Hoodia gordonii is a cactus like plant that is found in Kalahari Desert region. This herbal remedy has an active molecule in it which scientists identified as P57. P57 is a molecule that will trick the mind by saying that you are already full. So you will definitely not eat too much.

There are actually a lot of herbal remedies out there, but hoodia gordoii is the most popular herbal remedy in losing weight.

You can add herbal remedy with your balanced diet and exercise. In order for you to lose weight faster and healthily.

You see, obesity or weight problems are growing in numbers. In being obese, there is the big possibility or risk of having other illnesses or diseases that can make your situations even worse. So you really have to do something about it in order to help yourself be healthy. You have to do something and you have to be determined to help yourself be healthy, and start it by losing that weight, but lose that weight naturally and healthily.

You can consult your doctor and tell him that you are planning to use herbal remedy for losing weight Your doctor can help you give the necessary advice to help you lose your weight.

Article Author Eliza Maledevic from, a SEO Company.Know more about Hoodia Gordinii at

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