Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Liquorice Juice Sticks for nutrition

Liquorice Juice SticksHealthy Diet

Healthy Diet

To maintain good health, we need to eat a healthy balanced diet. Couldn't be easier could it? Due to our diverse life styles, eating a balanced diet is much harder than we imagine. Most articles dealing with healthy living tend to list food sources that are beneficial and give reasons why we should eat more of them, that's fine as far as it goes, but how do you manage it?

This article is not so much about the right foods, you know what they are, nor is it about a weight loss diet; though if you are overweight, along with some exercise and a healthy diet you will lose weight. This is about strategies that we can adopt to help us eat a more balanced diet long term.

Let's start right there, there are no right and wrong foods. The idea that there are some foods you must not eat is totally wrong. There are though foods you should try to eat more of and those that you should eat less of. You may be able to remain on your diet longer if you realize that you can have an ice cream or chocolate, you just can't do it too often. In other words it is the balance we are after.

Making ridiculous changes to your diet overnight probably isn't a good idea, after a few days your resolve is going to weaken and you will end up reverting to your old ways. It is better to make small changes, this way it will have a more lasting effect.

Before you consider your actual diet, look at your lifestyle. This is very important because you need to plan your meals around your everyday activities. Often people will say "It's hard for me to eat properly because I go out a lot." or "I'm a shift worker and meals are never at the right time." These are valid reasons, but they can be overcome with proper planning.

To overhaul your diet you will need to work out what you are consuming now. Be honest with yourself, if you are drinking ten cups of coffee and eating doughnuts every day then acknowledge the fact. Sometimes it can be a shock when you add it all up, rather like getting home after shopping and you wonder where all the money went. Yes tally it all up and you will be surprised.

Once you have come to grips with your actual diet, as opposed to what you thought it was, you can take steps to improve it. Let's take the ten cups of coffee and doughnuts as an example. The obvious solution is to cut down, but you should have a plan. How many cups of coffee should you have a day? Now if you cut out just one cup per day for the next week, then drop off another cup for the next week etc. although taking some time this will work without being hard work.

Do the same for the doughnuts, and though in the beginning you may wish to supplement with a health bar try to wean yourself of even these and change the coffee and doughnut for a piece of fruit. Just don't go cold turkey and give up everything in the one day, unless you have very good will power, that way leads to failure.

Quiet often our diet is governed by what is easiest, enter soft drink and fast food; instant gratification equals long term problems. Here is another myth buster, it is not always the fast food that is the problem; if you were to have a beef patty with salad and a bread roll laid out on a plate, it would be considered a healthy meal. Why then if you put them together is this bad for us? First did you notice we didn't have the fries with that? But mostly it is the soft drink! When did you last have a burger without a soft drink? And don't think because you have a diet coke it doesn't count. It is the fizz that makes you fat!

Spur of the moment eating doesn't allow for healthy meal planning, try to plan meals in advance. If time is an issue try cooking more than you need for one meal and freezing the remaining portions for another occasion. Don't do your shopping in a hurry, allow yourself time to look at other options that might be quick but healthy, if you are in a hurry you will always pick the same things.

The saying a little of what you fancy does you good is true, the art is in knowing how much a "little" is. Eating is a great social activity and it is easy to end up eating and drinking more than we planned when we get together with friends. To over indulge once in a while is not a problem, but if you have a busy social life, or business requires you to dine out on a regular basis, then you need to work out a strategy so that your healthy eating plan isn't compromised.

Choose the healthier options on the menu, forego the side orders, restrict the number of courses you have, don't have the coffee to finish, any or all of these will keep you on your healthy diet.

A healthy diet won't just happen, it doesn't work just to give up this or that, or to go on some fad diet. If you are in for the long haul, and you could be living to a hundred, you need to be on a healthy balanced diet for the rest of your life. Not a weight loss diet but a balanced one. This will not happen unless you put in the time and effort to plan a strategy and set some healthy eating goals

About the Author

Trish is a life coach and author specializing in health wellness and relationships.
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Natural RemedySecrets of Healthy Eating

For those who have health challenges or digestive challenges, and for those who choose vitality and longevity through optimal care of body, mind and spirit, here are some principles worthy of consideration.

? Only eat when truly hungry. This allows plenty of time for the stomach to process the previous meal and to be at rest. The fact that so many nibble away throughout the day indicates that the brain is looking for nutrition. Since most foods have plenty of calories (calor is a Latin word meaning heat) we are kept warm; our constant cravings are calls for nutrition. When we avoid fractionated, chemicalized and processed foods, and eat whole, organic and natural foods, our cravings will be satisfied and we will find ourselves in shape, with good tone. If your inner voice intuition tells you to have a cup of tea rather than eat a meal, pay attention. Many mistakenly follow the adage: feed a cold and starve a fever. The adage originally stated: if you feed a cold, you will eventually starve a fever. Actually a ?cold? is the body?s way of eliminating ?junk? through the mucosal system. To eat a ?heavy? meal at this time is going against the outward, eliminative flow, interfering with innate intelligence, adding to the body?s burden. Since the body is focused on survival, the fever kicks things into high gear and makes sure you rest. The fever makes you lose your appetite; the most you taste for is some fresh juice, soup broth or water.

Since the pancreas is the organ responsible for balance, a potassium-rich fresh juice or soup broth would be soothing; high on the list are celery, parsley, string beans and zucchini. If made into soup rather than a fresh juice, chop in small pieces, boil for 20 minutes, strain and drink the broth. To support the liver, a sodium rich juice or broth, containing celery, cucumber, spinach and zucchini. To support the kidneys, watermelon juice (the whole thing: skin, rind, seeds and red) or watermelon seed tea. Now the body can do its cleansing and ?get well.? Eat again only when truly hungry.

? Only eat when emotionally stable. Many ignore their feelings, and ?to keep up their strength? they force themselves to eat. When someone experiences hospitalization, either personally or of a loved one, the loss of a loved one, the end of a deep relationship, the loss of a job, or any other life-altering situation, it is a time to think, feel and act differently. These times provide an opportunity to eat sparingly - perhaps some fruit or a small salad, with plenty of water in between meals. This allows the physical body to rest and the emotional body to gain strength. Homeopathic remedies are helpful at these times. Ignatia amara 30C when things happen suddenly; Gelsemium 30C when things happen gradually.

? Only eat small quantities. Those who have vitality, good digestion, and live the longest, learn to chew their food well - savoring the flavors. Eating large amounts burdens the stomach as well as the liver, pancreas and kidneys. The danger of a smorgasbord goes beyond the complexities of inappropriate combinations; when you go for s?mor you?ll surely have gas and be bord, feeling dull and lethargic. Besides s?mor-gas-bords, eating contests are equally detrimental. Consider 27 year old Manuel Roxas, who set a record by eating 247 bananas in one hour; as you may imagine, he had to be helped from the table. The Manila man ate so many bananas in preparation for the event that he developed an allergy to the fruit, and required medication mid-contest to stop him from vomiting.

? Only eat simple combinations. Each type of food requires its own digestive juice. To have a simple meal of whole grains with steamed veggies and a raw salad with a bit of seaweed is plenty for our systems to easily digest. That extra spoonful or two of nut loaf, seed cheese, baked tempeh, pickles, olives and relish, really mucks it up and makes for digestive chaos resulting in flatulence and other forms of stress that indicate the digestive system is operating in high gear. In our youth, we ?seem? to get away with a lot. It always catches up to us. Like the teen who thinks he?s ?cool? or ?hot,? depending on where you?re at generationally, behind the wheel of a slick car, peeling away from the traffic light, slamming through the gears, leaving rubber in third gear, racing down the road, cutting in and out of traffic; the car may have only a few thousand miles on it, yet it?s burning oil already and has a strange knocking and is, in short, exhausted. He gets the short end of the deal when it comes to mileage and maintenance as well as trade in value. He learns to take better care of his next car. While our cars have planned obsolescence, our bodies are for life. Sometimes our lifetime is shorter than we planned; sometimes our maintenance entails more than we imagined. With simple living we can get the best mileage and the easiest maintenance with our bodies. The choice is ours.

? Only eat in pleasant surroundings. According to the Chinese, standing while eating interferes with the flow of digestive juices. There is a physiological reason. When standing, our muscles are engaged and we are ?ready to move? so the sympathetic nervous system is activated, we are prepared for ?fight or flight? so the brain directs the blood to our muscles. When we sit down we are relaxed, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated so the brain directs the blood to our digestive organs. The Chinese also say reading interferes with digestion. Reading is the tonifying activity of the Wood Phase and wood, with its roots, controls the earth ? and the Earth Phase nurtures digestion. And sitting just happens to be the tonifying activity for the Earth Phase! (How many offenses can you spot in this egregious scenario? A man is standing at a counter in a busy deli, eating his Coney, and washing it down with a soda, while reading the daily paper. [Answer 8: standing, chaotic energy, poor combination, drinking while eating, cold drink, artificial colors and flavors in the phosphoric acid, reading, negativity from the paper.] Is it any wonder so many people have ulcers and indigestion? (See the following section.)

TV programming with its typical violence, hype and negativity is best left out of the home altogether, especially the dining area. Natural sounds such as the ocean, a waterfall, birds and crickets or soft and gentle chamber music, is conducive to pleasant conversation, all of which contribute to good digestion. For those who may think this is too idealistic or impossible, say yes and create such an atmosphere. Experience it for 30 days and see how it promotes good health - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. To set the tone for the meal, remember to offer thanksgiving, appreciation and blessings - often referred to as Grace. Rather than a ritualistic prayer that is over in a few seconds, let it be spontaneous; let each person feel comfortable to be quiet or to say a few words; it also helps to provide a few moments for meditation or internal focus.

? Only eat an enzyme rich meal. Raw fruit makes a simple and delicious meal. Nut or seed milk makes for an enzyme-rich meal that satisfies for a long time. A salad may be enhanced with enzyme-rich dressing based on germinated or sprouted seeds, such as almond, sunflower, sesame or sprouted wheat and rye. Such a dressing can also be used on lightly steamed veggies. If cooked food is part of your meal, simply take digestive enzymes before the meal to facilitate enzyme-rich, easy and efficient digestion. If you remember the enzymes during or after the meal, take them - better late than never.

Enzymes are actually nutritious because they support our digestive organs. They may be taken with cooked food to replace the enzymes lost in cooking; they may be taken with meals (whether raw or cooked) and in between meals ? 6 or 8 in each instance ? to help the body shed unnecessary stored tissue; they may be taken before a banquet or feast ? a dozen or more, and maybe some afterwards if you feel you ?went overboard?! For the average person, to take ?too many? is almost impossible; your inner voice intuition would tell you that enough is enough.

Following these "secrets" will promote health, vitality and longevity. Including an ounce or two of VIBE in your daily regimen will enhance Your experience. You can add Life to Your years, and years to Your Life!

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