Monday, April 07, 2008

Lets talk about Wheatgrass Powder

Wheatgrass Powder TopicsNaturally Green Blog - General Health

In the top ten big buck states, Michigan ranks number nine, while Wisconsin is at the number one position. The state of Wisconsin averages about 893,000 hunters each year, while Michigan will average around 1,125,000 white-tail deer hunters per year. Wisconsin has 3,125 Pope & Young bucks and 273 Boone & Crocket bucks. Michigan has 576 Pope & Young, 60 Boone & Crocket bucks in their books. In order to harvest a record buck during your archery hunting season, you must first be able to identify and score a buck out in the field. Now, how often does it happen that you see 150-class or even 160-class bucks out in the field? So how do you know when you do see one? First, practice makes perfect. Go to your local taxidermist and have him or her help you score some of the bucks on the wall. Estimate its inside and outside spread, length of beam, average mass, length and number of points. By practicing on wall mounts, your judgment out in the field will be much easier.

Antler spread is one of the easiest to identify. An average deer in the state of Michigan has a measurement of about 18 inches from tip of ear to ear. You can then estimate the antler spread of the buck you are estimating by using this measurement. But don�t put too much emphasis on this. The inside spread of the antlers is only one total. If it�s 20 inches, then a total of 20 inches is added at the end of the final score.
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Naturally Green Blog - General Health

Superfood Range Trade Enquiries

From the back desk,
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Superfood Range Trade Enquiries

Home Remedies For Different Kinds Of Scars

Tue, 30 May 2006 15:32:42 EDT
After being faced with problems like acne, chicken pox and different kinds of skin infection, the last thing you want is to be marked for life. If proper precautionary measures are used these scars ma...

Seven Ways Wheatgrass Helps Your Body

Wed, 22 Mar 2006 19:54:36 EST
Wheatgrass has gained popularity in the last several years, and the wheatgrass cure has been around since Dr. Ann Wigmore (1909-1994) promoted it as a miracle cure over four decades ago after ...


The latest Informaiton on Holistic

HolisticEating Cigarettes Is NOT A Healthy Diet

Are you overweight? Do you smoke? Did you used to smoke and stopped? Chances are you may fit into one of the statements just presented. If you ever tried to quit smoking you knew it was a habit and you had to quit because it was unhealthy. If you are a smoker you know it is unhealthy to smoke.

If you are overweight then you must wake up and accept the concept that over eating can also be an addictive habit. Becoming obese is not always a medical condition and all avenues of valid medical reasoning should be explored. When you have come to the conclusion that you are overweight because you eat too much of the wrong thing, then you may want to approach the problem like an addicted cigarette smoker would. Maybe you need to realize that your over eating is because you are addicted to food.

I too also have a weight problem and I too used to be a smoker. I can remember being told that nicotine is only a craving for a few days and then it is all mental and emotional. After the first few days you no longer crave smokes, but you are in a familiar situation and it is a comfort. Over eating is very similar.

After eating you want a smoke. While watching late night T.V. you want some ice cream. When you get in your car you want a smoke. When you get in your recliner you wants some snacks. When you go to the bathroom you want a smoke, when you go to the store you want a candy bar.

I am overweight and I have admitted I am fat. I know I am an emotional eater. I eat out of habit and I did this all too often. I have come to the conclusion that being my being fat is a direct result of putting too much food my mouth. PERIOD!!

I have come to grips that I am an addicted eater. I like the junk food. I like to eat snacks while watching T.V. I eat out of comfort. An example is just the other day. My "diet" was going well and then when I heard my chronically troubled twenty year old son was again having problems, I wanted to stop and get a chocolate shake. I eat because of triggers that affect my emotions.

I have not learned to control this trigger yet. I have just learned to recognize that it even exists.

Do you have a trigger that sets you off?

Keith Quackenbush is a graduate of St. John's University, New York. He has spent considerable amount of time traveling throughout the world for the United States Government as a Marine Officer. He has spent considerable amount of time being educated in life through his very existence. Currently spends too many hours per week in big box retail management.

Topics on Wheatgrass JuicersOrganic Spirulina Powder - 125g - �6.29

The number of treatments that are required varies. A general rule of thumb is that the more chronic the disease/symptom, the more treatments are required. This is why it is important to maintain good health at all times. And when ill, seek treatment immediately to prevent illness from moving into deeper more serious levels.
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Organic Spirulina Powder - 125g - �6.29

Naturally Green Blog - Acne

Increase your protein and decrease your carbohydrates. Increasing the amount of lean protein you eat and reducing carbs can deliver a one-two punch right to the belly! You see, carbohydrate tend to increase your insulin level, which can slow down your metabolism. Since the body can only metabolize just so much carbohydrates at once, the rest is converted to sugar and then turned into body fat.
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Naturally Green Blog - Acne

Brain Support

Think about it, other options like plastic surgery are more dangerous and costly. The Eyederma(tm) cosmoceutical example certainly seems like a worthwhile consideration and maybe investment for those whose who are concerned about a more vibrant youthful appearance. Both the Lumnaderm(tm) and Eyederma(tm) products are distributed by major retailers and established online stores like and the (
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Brain Support

Wheatgrass JuicersGreen Power Kempo Twin Gear Juicer - GPT E1303

Tue, 25 Mar 2008 18:57:19 EDT
The Kempo model GPT E1303 was introduced to the market in 2002 and has finally brought twin gear juicers into the forefront of juicing technology. ... The Kempo GPT E1303 comes with everything you need to juice your carrots, wheatgrass, leafy greens, make your own RAW nut butters, frozen fruit smoothies, baby foods, p urees and more....

Wellness crops becoming hot - Manila Bulletin

Sat, 05 Apr 2008 16:32:05 GMT

Wellness crops becoming hot
Manila Bulletin, Philippines - Apr 5, 2008
Dr. Page also said that Dr. Ann Wigmore, founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute, popularized the widely popular movement of wheatgrass juicing in the ...

Independent, The (London) - Grow your own health tonic - can wheatgrass work wonders?

Sun, 19 Jan 1997 08:00:00 GMT
January 19, 1997 -- In search of the trendiest organic fix? Look no further than Planet Organic, a West London natural food supermarket, now supplying the latest US...

Organic Kelp Powder - 500g Organic Kelp Powder - 500g [] - �6.49
Organic Goji Berries - Goji Berry.
Hemp Moisturiser


Manuka Honey Reviews and information

Manuka HoneyNutritional Diseases In Your Dog Can Be Eliminated

Similar to healthy dogs, sick dogs need to eat dog food in order to supply energy and nutrients for growth, for replacement and repair; as well as to meet an ever changing need. Dog nutrition still remains the same for a sick dog and usually do not differ greatly from those of a healthy dog. A sick dog's dietary needs, however, can become substantially different from those of a healthy dog.

Diseases in which a dog's diet will need to be changed are often due to true nutritional diseases, in which the diet itself is responsible for the disease. Most of the true nutritional diseases are deficiency diseases. What this means is that they are diseases caused by a dog food diet that contains an insufficient amount of one or more needed nutrients. Most of these diseases were the result of inadequate or improperly balanced home-made dog food.

Since cost-effective commercial dog food became more and more nourishing, most of these deficiency diseases gradually disappeared. Vitamin or mineral deficiencies are rarely seen as a primary disease any more. Both vitamins and minerals are inexpensive and are needed in such small amounts that today, few commercial dog foods fail to contain them in adequate amounts.

Although energy and protein continue to be a problem with some dog foods, the number of dog food brands that still contain insufficient fat or poor quality, indigestible protein become less and less every year. When a deficiency of fat occurs, it most often appears as an insufficient amount of total energy in the diet which results in weight loss, sluggishness, dry and dull hair coat, poor physical condition and, in some extreme cases, emaciation and uncontrolled diarrhea.

A deficiency of essential fatty acids may also occur, although it is unlikely. The total amount of the fats most often used in commercial foods can drop to as low as 1% of the diet and that diet will still contain sufficient fatty acids. The only exception to this might be in cases of dry dog foods where larger quantities of fat have turned rancid.

About the Author:

John Mailer has written many articles about dogs and puppies and how to train them. His main business is as an internet marketer Dog Food
Earn Money Online

Cancer - What You Need To Know To Help Avoid Or Fight It

Mon, 05 Nov 2007 04:35:35 EST
Last week end I went to a "Pink Party" in my local village, where as the name suggests, everyone wore something pink.

The event wasn't so much a party as a lunch to raise awareness of Breast ...

Manuka Health reassures export markets about honey (

Sun, 30 Mar 2008 03:04:18 GMT
Manuka Health reassures export markets it has no links to Coromandel honey poisonings Honey health science company Manuka Health New Zealand Ltd has moved quickly to reassure export markets in the wake of a rash of honey poisoning cases involving a Coromandel hobbyist beekeeper unconnected with the company.


natural foods Reviews and info

natural foods DiscussionNaturally Green Blog - Spirulina

Nilutpal Gogoi is a writer and a freelance journalist having more than 18 years of service in several audio-visual and print media reputed organizations in North East India. He has published more than 1000 articles and a popular adventure book for children. For more information log on to
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Naturally Green Blog - Spirulina

Cola Nuts

Healthy Weight Loss - The Truth about Dieting

Very few people realise that nearly 100% of people who lose weight through a diet program put that weight back on even more quickly than before. Read on to discover why our health departments are now saying that even healthy diets should be avoided.

In the first month of a diet the weight you lose is mostly water and muscle weight. As soon as you go off the diet, those are replaced with more fat! In addition, almost no-one can stick to a diet because it is so out of kilter with the person's familiar eating patterns. The very act of dieting both lowers metabolic processing, and increases food cravings. No wonder that three years after going on a diet, over 95% have put that weight back on or are even heavier!
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Cola Nuts

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