Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Natural Remedies discussion

The Past Week: November 23-29 (Dogs; Obamabilia and “Mt. Crapmore”; Jobs; Black Politics; CNN Delivers In-Depth Report on Our Best Hope to Save Us from “First Lady Fashion Fumbles”)

Sun, 30 Nov 2008 02:02:13 EDT
H/T to Make Them Accountable for passing along this clip found at Raw Story…L ... ewis Black on how cheesy the “Obamabilia” sellers are these days:...

IVs - New Location, Same Good Food - Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal

Wed, 26 Nov 2008 06:21:53 GMT

IVs - New Location, Same Good Food
Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal, MS - Nov 25, 2008
"Those are our big-sellers," he said. "They've done real well for us. That warm chicken salad - I've got people calling me almost on a daily basis saying ...

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