Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Natural Remedy Info

Chlorella Powder TabletsVitamins and Nutritions for Your Family

Nearly 20 vitamins that are known or believed to be important to human well-being have thus far been discovered. A few more vitamins are known to be important to such creatures as fish, chickens, or insects, but not to people.

When you eat a variety of food you are pretty sure of getting a well-rounded assortment of the vitamins you need?except perhaps vitamin D. And you may also be getting other vitamins still undetected in food, but serving you just the same.

Separate doses of one or more selected vitamins are best taken under doctors' orders. For research is showing more and more instances in which a vitamin or other nutrient seeks a different nutrient in a meal as a special partner to assist in its work. When a vitamin pill brings in a mass army, the right partners may not be ready to use so much specialized help.

The following vitamins are of practical importance in planning family meals.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important to the young for growth. And at all ages it is important for normal vision, especially in dim light.

In one way or another, many vitamins help protect the body against infection, and vitamin A's guard duty is to help keep the skin and the linings of nose, mouth, and inner organs in good condition. If these surfaces are weakened, bacteria can invade more easily.

You can get vitamin A from some animal foods. Good sources are liver, egg yolks, butter, whole milk and cream, and cheese made from whole milk or cream. Fish-liver oils which children take for vitamin D are rich in vitamin A besides.

From many vegetable foods you can get carotenes, which are yellow-orange substances that the body converts into vitamin A. Green, yellow, and some red vegetables are good sources of carotene. One good reason for including a vegetable from the "leafy, green, and yellow group" every day is to keep stocked with this vitamin. Margarine, a vegetable fat, is nearly always fortified with vitamin A or carotene.

Some vitamin A can be stored in the body. So it is to your advantage to eat heartily of foods that provide for it, such as the green and yellow vegetables. A savings account of vitamin A in your system may be drawn upon, if in any emergency this vitamin is wanting in the diet.

The B-vitamin family

There was once supposed to be just one vitamin B. Then, vitamin B was found to be complex and it has in time been separated into about a dozen vitamins, each with particular duties and importance. Most of them are now called by names that tell something about their chemical nature.

Thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin are the most generally known and best understood B's. Getting enough of these in food helps with steady nerves, normal appetite, good digestion, good morale, healthy skin.

When these B's are seriously wanting in diet, malnutrition ills such as beriberi and pellagra follow. But far more common in this country are borderline cases. The chronic grouch, the lazybones, the nervous man, the housewife with vague complaints, may be showing effects of food providing too little of these important B's.

Recently identified B's are folic acid and vitamin B12, both important for healthy state of the blood. Folic acid and B12 are being used medically with success in treating two hard- to-cure diseases?pernicious anemia and sprue. Few foods contain real wealth of B vitamins, but in a varied diet many foods contribute some and so build an adequate supply.

One way to make sure of raising your B level is to use regularly bread and flour that have been made from whole grain or that have been enriched so as to restore important B vitamins.

Getting ample milk in diet is important for B's, too, and for riboflavin in particular.

B vitamins play a part in converting fuel in foods into energy. It follows that any one who eats large quantities of starches and sugars also requires more food containing B vitamins.

For more information about food, nutrition and recipes for your family, go to

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