Saturday, April 05, 2008

Echinacea Tincture for health

HolisticMental Health From Video Games

New computer video games used to improve self-esteem and reduce stress.

A group of computer video game developers where impress by the success of Nintendo's "Brain Age" and felt they should produce a stream of games that help with the psychological growth of the mind.

The are planning creating a game called "DS Therapy" for the Nintendo DS that goes through asking question that range from money to your love life to stimulate your mind and measure it on a daily bases.

Another game "Mind Habits Booster" is designed to help people feel good about themselves. It help to address insecurity and stress by having player picking repeatedly smiling, approving face from a list of frowning faces to help people look for acceptance and ignore rejection.

"A study conducted by West Virginia University and supported by Konami Digital Entertainment claimed that consistent usage of the ?Dance Dance Revolution? game ?improved the health, attitudes and behaviors of participating children.?"

Researcher at Rochester University conducted a survey which they found that many children play computer video games for basic psychological needs such as achievement, freedom and a connection to others.

An example of the positive results from computer game play is Mary Jane Zamora, 50 from Redondo Beach, California whom is recovering from a fight with breast cancer. She uses such games as virtual golf, bowling and tennis on Nintendo's Wii console system to help build up her strength and agility.

So not all computer video games are focused on violence and destruction, some actually do help the human physce and build self-esteem in its players.

Nursing - Understanding echinacea

Wed, 01 Jan 2003 08:00:00 GMT
January 1, 2003 -- ECHINACEA dietary supplements are extracted from the dried roots and rhizomes (underground stems) of Echinacea angustifolia or E. pallida and from...


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