Sunday, March 30, 2008

Gelatinized Maca Capsules Reviews and info

Holistic HealingDon't Be A Statistic - Concerns For Health Addressed

As a health conscious person I have concerns that the current medical model of care is not in our best interest. And we are being brainwashed into thinking that taking drugs and disease is simply a part of life.

I have been working in the healthcare arena for the past 20 years achieving a Masters in Clinical Nursing, endorsements as a midwife and certification as a critical care nurse. I have come to question and realise that the current model of care does not represent a quality of life. We advise a drug for this and a drug for that and then another drug to counteract the side effects of the drug that was recommended. Madness really. I am now currently studying nutrition and glycobiology (a new breakthrough in health). Check out a award winning site on this technology.

Here are some interesting and thought provoking statements by some of the more enlightened doctors-
? "If all the medicine in the world were thrown into the sea, it would be bad for the fish and good for humanity" OW Holmes, Prof of Med. Harvard University
? "Every drug increase and complicates the patients condition" Robert Henderson M.D.
? "The person who takes medicine must recover twice, once from the disease and once from the medicine" William Osler, M.D.
? ""Medicine is only palliative, for back of disease lies the cause, and this cause no drug can reach" Wier Mitchel, M.D.

The unfortunate truth is disease is increasing at an alarming rate. And although billions is being spent on health care every major disease is on the rise. Billions has been put into cancer research and yet cancer rates have increased each year to be the number one cause of death today, recently overtaking heart disease. All degenerative diseases are on the rise and disease is regularly occurring at younger ages. Did you know that 50 years ago heart disease and cancer were not in the top 20 causes of death in any age group and there were no children's cancer specialists because there was no need! Isn't it obvious that something is wrong with our current medical model of care? Do you realise that pharmaceutical- related deaths from properly prescribed drugs has been the 3rd largest killer, but that fact is somehow overlooked when all you hear about is Cancer and Heart Disease.

The Medical complex is happy with status quo and they are spending millions on advertising to keep people thinking status quo. We are starting to believe that disease and taking pharmaceuticals is just a part of life.
However the truth is-
"We Get Diseases Because We Are Not Paying Attention To Wellness...Best Hope For Wellness Is Targeting Nutrition."

Conventional medicine treats symptoms but nutrition treats below the surface at the cells were disease originally set up. Doesn't it make sense that healthy cells will create healthy organs and tissues and a healthy body. So how do we keep our cells healthy? By providing them with the nutrients they need.

Many studies point to poor nutrition being the cause of disease. Unfortunately studies also show that even if we eat healthy we cannot get the nutrients we need to sustain good health. We have processed the nutrients out of our food chain with chemicals, processed foods, green harvesting, environmental toxins, preservatives, and depleted minerals in our soils. Our bodies are paying the price. Nutrition studies show it would take 7 oranges today to get your daily-recommended vitamin C compared to one orange cultivated 20 years ago. And you would need to eat 53 peaches to equal the nutrition of 2 peaches cultivated 50 years ago. [check out and search for the article-From the Farm to the Kitchen table] . These numbers are mind boggling but true. So the solution is you need to supplement. And not just any supplement, it must me be able to be fully absorbed by the body, food based, organic and natural. One that is scientifically formulated and stabilized. Ask anyone working for the sewage plant about the "tablet" bricks of undigested vitamins! You need quality.

I have found a source of high quality supplements that are food based, scientifically formulated and stabilized and do what they are meant to and that is support the body's ability to repair itself and restore and maintain health. The source has discovered a completely new class of nutrients (glyconutrients- look at which are the most basic of all as they are the operating system of our cells and without them all the others like vitamins and minerals, amino acids and fatty acids won't work. Supplementation with these high quality non-toxic nutrients has helped hundreds of thousands of people restore their health and change their quality of life.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article and start thinking about being proactive about your health. If you don't you are almost 90% guaranteed that you will suffer from cancer, heart disease or diabetes, and be taking pharmaceutical drugs in the future.

About the Author

International Health and Wellness Consultant and Certified Member of the American International Association of Nutritional Education (AIANE0. Passionate about helping build global health and has helped hundreds improve their quality of life.

Maca - Primal Energy

Mon, 21 Jan 2008 11:46:54 EDT
Helps to improve levels of concentration for kids and promotes mental clarity It comes in capsules and powder form. ... There is regular powder and gelatinized powder where the starch has been removed....

Gelatinized Maca Capsules NewsHemp Moisturisers

How Soy Isoflavones Increase Women's Health
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Hemp Moisturisers

Spirulina - Premium Spirulina Powder.

A health food diet will always include the essential vitamins and nutrients. At your next dinner start out with a fresh salad using an olive oil based dressing. Then a serving of fish, chicken or lean red meat along with some whole grain breads or pastas and steamed vegetables. Finish up your meal with a light dairy product or low-fat ice cream or yogurt topped with fresh fruit. Remember, we need fat to metabolize fat and by choosing the good fats in olive oils, fish, chicken and nuts we can help our bodies slim down and prevent diseases all at the same time.
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Spirulina - Premium Spirulina Powder.



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