Thursday, April 03, 2008

Milk Thistle Powder Updates

Milk Thistle PowderLiving Healthy By Eating Nuts


Living Healthy By Eating Nuts

Submitted By: Cole Carson

It wasn?t very long ago that nuts were feared. ? They were considered a dieting disaster, with far too high a fat and calorie content to be anything but bad for you! Recently though, extensive studies have shown that the opposite is actually the case. ? Nuts are incredible for the human body. Recently there have been many health discoveries showing that nuts are a wonderful protein source that are great for everyone, and should be added to our diets.

While it?s true that nuts are very fatty and have a highly concentrated calorie content with roughly 200 kilocalories per ounce, they aren?t nearly as fattening as they seem. A vast majority of the fat in nuts is either monounsaturated or polyunsaturated. These fats aren?t as detrimental to weight gain to others, and more importantly, they have the ability to lower LDL cholesterol. This is very important considering today?s push for cardiovascular-friendly foods, and as it turns out, nuts seem to have a very positive impact on the heart. Many studies have been done in recent years concerning nuts and their effect on the heart, and the general consensus is that a diet consisting of regular nut intake can lower your chance for heart disease by as much as 35%.

Nuts are plentiful sources of protein. Proteins are necessary for the body?s day-to-day function, and are also difficult to obtain in a vegetarian diet, because most plants only contain pieces of proteins. Nuts, however, are sources of complete proteins, making them a wonderful addition to vegetarian diet, but also ideal for a cardiovascular-minded diet. Unlike meats and other conventional producers of protein, nuts are actually beneficial for the heart instead of being damaging.

Nuts are terrific sources of energy. Protein is an important ingredient for energy, and when combined with the other minerals in nuts make them perfect for providing longer, more constant energy levels. In addition to proteins, nuts also happen to rich in the powerful antioxidants selenium and vitamin E. Anti-oxidants have recently been identified as having powerful anti-aging effects on the body due to their ability to block the damage caused by free-radicals, substances that contribute to early aging.

Research has indicated that while almost all nuts have similar benefits on the body, the ones regarded as the most beneficial are almonds, cashews and peanuts. These studies suggest that 1-2 ounces a day is a good, moderate serving in which the body will receive the greatest benefits. Nuts, while they are healthy, can be an addictive food, and because they do contain a good bit of calories, one must make sure that they keep in check just how many they eat. Fortunately for everyone, nuts are great at satisfying hunger.

Knowledge about these tasty little snacks has morphed immensely over the years as research has shown that nuts are actually good for us. By adding a small serving of nuts to your daily life, you can help improve your health and well being immensely. ? Especially the health of your most important organ, the heart. Keep in mind that nuts still are considered a high calorie food, and that instead of adding them to your diet, it?s best to substitute them for another, less healthy food instead. Nuts used to be considered a food that everybody should avoid, but with extensive research and a growing knowledge of nutrition, we?ve come to learn that in actuality, everyone should be eating them as long as they don?t go overboard!

About the Author:

Cole Carson is a successful entrepreneur interested in the fields of natural health and wellness! Being healthy and happy starts from the inside. Learn why Goji Juice is regarded as so amazing. - -

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