Saturday, January 03, 2009

Holistic article

Diet NewsFemale Reproductive Health

Like humans, dogs need the right combination of the basic food groups in order to have a healthy life span. Dogs also need to be regulated on the kinds of foods that they eat or else they would end up being obese as well.

Included in the dog's dietary regimen are the proper minerals and vitamins. These essential health items should be well incorporated into the dogs daily needs in order to have a healthy body. With poper minerals, and vitamins, dogs will be abel to maintain shiny, healthy-looking coat. For people who want to know how to prepare the right diet for their dogs, here are some tips to guide you through them.

*Meat should not only be the only food incorporated in the dog's diet.
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Female Reproductive Health

DietMBR Bookwatch - The Millennium Diet

Mon, 01 Dec 2008 08:00:00 GMT
December 1, 2008 -- The Millennium Diet Mark Davis Privately Published PO Box 222, Abingdon, MD 21009 06152090726, $14.99 Most rapid weight loss programs fail,...

Staying Healthy - Aging and Still Loving Life

Fri, 02 Jan 2009 20:59:17 EST

Aging started on the minute that we were born. Loving life and living it to the fullest is something that we should have done since the start. So how can we stay healthy and age with grace?


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