Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Recent information on Wheatgrass Tablets

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On Philosophy and Freedom...

Mon, 24 Nov 2008 15:40:00 EDT
1 quart water little mug of rooibus tea double shot of wheatgrass juice 2 cups energy soup with flax crackers and okra on the side, followed by goji/carob yumballs ... The 'spirulina nuts' are simply tablets of pressed spirulina powder – you can see them on the RawReform Store HERE....

Grassroots gold - Bangkok Post

Sun, 30 Nov 2008 20:19:49 GMT

Bangkok Post

Grassroots gold
Bangkok Post, Thailand - Nov 30, 2008
A variety of wheatgrass-based products, such as juice powder, tablets and kits are being distributed by the company's subsidiary, Dailygreen Co. ...



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