Sunday, September 21, 2008

Holistic Healing Info

Natural RemediesNutrition Consultant

There are many ways to adopt pets these days. For example Petsmart has open adoption days at their stores, usually on Saturday or Sundays, where you can view pets and adopt them. Of course, you always have animal shelters and the pound, but these adoption centers in a pet store are an ideal way to get a quality pet.

Here is the story how I adopted a pet one day when I hadn't even been looking.

One afternoon, about two years ago there was a rain storm that came through. We live in the middle of a cornfield near a small creek way out in the country. My family and I decided to go for a nice relaxing walk after the rains. The clean fresh smell in the air was very stimulating to the senses.

There is an old bridge that we across going to the main road, so the boys decided to run ahead to see what the rains had brought down the creek. Normally after the rains the boys would find something, this time it was a plastic bag full of kittens. In the bag were three kittens, very week and tiny and covered in mud, fleas and debris from the dirty water.

Out of the three kittens we chose one and my stepson's friends took the other two. We took the kitten home and drew up a warm bath of soapy water. We placed the kitten in the water, which warmed it up and revived its small limp body. After the bath we dried off the poor little kitten with a towel and a blow dryer.

Out from under the filth were three beautiful white kittens, crying their heads off. We knew at this point they were going to be alright. We took them to our barn and fed them a mixture, which contained some pet milk until the kittens were satisfied.

The neighbors wanted to take two of the kittens and we kept the other one. You might remember, if you have seen any of the Pink Panther Movies, Inspector Clouseau's constant companion named Cato. This name fit the kitten perfectly. He was full of life, playful and was a superb attack cat.

Taking care of God's creatures will give you more pleasure then you can ever imagine. Do you wonder how people can be so cruel to animals? Or after they are rescued, how do these animals gain the trust of people?

About the Author

Kim Russell is a Nutrition Consultant and involved in developing state of the art new Internet Work from Home Based Goji Juice Business System.
Check out the Goji Health Beverage
Contact her at: <a target="_new" href="http:

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