Friday, May 02, 2008

Holistic Remedies discussion

Our thoughts on Yerba Mate TeaGuarana Tablets & Powders

Additional information on GI values can be found at the University of Sydney website or in the �The New Glucose Revolution: Shopper�s Guide to GI Values 2006.
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Guarana Tablets & Powders

Yerba Mate TeaDietary Convenience?

Many people don't receive all of the nutritional nutrients they need from their diet in today?s society. Or they can't or don't eat the right variety of nutritional healthy food. Our everyday lifestyle creates controversy within our bodies and without visually seeing the results in most cases. Nowadays, it is all about convenience and not at all about what is needed for our bodies on a day to day basis. This is why many consumers rely on multivitamins to help maintain the proper nutrients for their body.

Every person is different and does not have the need for the same vitamin or mineral. For example, pregnant women need to retain iron, vitamin D, and folate. Sodium should also be avoided in this case. With children being in school all day, they need to keep up on Omega 3 for their nervous system to stay strong and their brain to function correctly. Tuna contains Omega 3 but children might bulk at this fish where a vitamin supplement can be substituted. Men, on the other hand, can take Vitamin E to reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer. To reduce the cause of bone loss, Vitamin B-12 can be taken by older women. Every person has a different need of what your body lacks as far as nutrition goes. Here is a small break down of what a few of the vitamins actually do for our bodies if fueled correctly.

"Vitamin A"- is a source for vision, urinary tracts as well as for your skin. Vitamin A" can be consumed by dairy products, such as, milk, cheese, along with vegetables like carrots and spinach.

"Vitamin C" - Helps to keep your tissue, bones and teeth in tip top shape and can be consumed by eating several vegetables like peppers, broccoli, spinach, and brussel sprouts. Along with citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage.

"Vitamin D"- is a source for your teeth and bones which can be consumed by dairy products as well, including milk, butter and egg yolks. You can also receive Vitamin D through sunlight.

"Vitamin E"- is a source for your cellular membranes. And can be obtained by consuming whole grains, nuts, green leafy vegetables, asparagus and for a fruit, peaches.

Everyone should have a well balanced diet and only take supplements as needed. Vitamins of any sort, whether it be a multivitamin or a specific vitamin or mineral supplement such as vitamin c should not be considered a replacement for your nutritional intake rather than whole foods.

For more information on how to obtain a better lifestyle with multivitamins and nutrition try visiting, a website that specializes in providing tips, advice and resources on vitamins and minerals to include how to live a happier, healthy life.

"Longevity, Well Being and Health"
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