Sunday, April 20, 2008

The latest Informaiton on Holistic Remedies

Holistic RemediesThe Potential Good of Bee Pollen and Allergies

There are many controversial debates over the potential good of bee pollen and allergies. Bee stings can cause huge allergic reactions in certain individuals that display an adverse reaction to the sting of a bee. However, the allergic reaction in an individual is a process of the body protecting itself from this ?intruder? that it has deemed as being a highly dangerous substance that is being introduced to the body. The potential good of bee pollen in the area is that, bee allergy is the gross over reaction of your body.

I?m Allergic! Is there any potential good of bee pollen for me?

This is where the area becomes to get controversial due to the various reactions by different individuals. The potential good in taking bee pollen for you could be that bee pollen is used to treat allergies by reducing the production of the histamine causing reaction. By introducing the allergen, the body begins to produce antibodies that will terminate the effects of the offensive substance.

The next time this allergen or substance is introduced to the body, the body doesn?t react by having a full blown allergic reaction by building a natural defense and this is a very high potential good of bee pollen for allergic sufferers. However, there have been individuals who have experienced anaphylactic shock due to bee stings and bee pollen products.

Fish is another huge cause of anaphylactic shock and if this type of reaction has ever been suffered for any reason, it is highly recommended that you do not begin bee pollen therapy. There can be no good in the potential of taking bee pollen if you have experienced any of these symptoms.

The Potential Good of Bee Pollen and Collection

There is much to be said in the area of collecting bee pollen due to the very nature of the product. If bees are surrounded by airborne pollution, the product made from the bee pollen is known to contain contaminants that produce undesirable effects in the human body. There is potential good of bee pollen and collection in very unpopulated areas and unpolluted areas. Of these places, New Zealand is a leader in the industry due to the low population on the South island as well as the winds that come from the South Pole and Antarctica and carry virtually no pollution to the island.

The product we personally use, located in the pristine source of New Zealand, is the most natural bee pollen source we have come across -

We have been using this supplement for over 3 years with excellent health results. We have achieved a general sense of well being and new improved energy levels.

We highly recommend you learn more on our bee pollen supplement of choice for further information.

Jean Helmet is one of the main editors for a series of nutrition sites. Check out our Bee supplement source, for further information on pollen.

Echinacea ReviewsSpinach Powder

From what has been written so far, and from all the sources and references where this article was taken from, the Mediterranean diet comes highly recommended by health professionals. The Mediterranean diet maintains a healthy but tasty, smorgasbord of delicious foods with which you can maintain a healthy diet without the need to sacrifice flavor and variety. While we appreciate the people who struggle and strive to come up with healthy diets, good food carries more weight in our stomachs.

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Spinach Powder

Sinus Health

Here are some tips to help you gain all the positive benefits the sun has to offer: (1) Man was not meant to lie directly under the rays of the sun. Not merely because such direct exposure can be harmful, but also because the healing qualities of the sun can best be found when combined with the plant life around us. Try to take your sunlight through the trees or cover yourself with moistened leaves. (2) Don't bath immediately before sunning or you wont be able to absorb adequately the Vitamin D, since the skin oils are what helps you derive this vitamin from the sun. (3) No more than half an hour of sunlight at any one time is capable of being absorbed and used by the body. (4) A suntan is actually nature�s safety device, which filters the harmful rays of too much sun. This does not mean to avoid the sun entirely. To gain the power of the sun, you must feel its warmth.

4. Raw milk. The process of pasteurizing milk not only kills disease germs, but it also destroys the bacteria which sour milk, just as Pasteur originally destroyed the microbes which turned wine to vinegar. Thus, pasteurizing milk helps maintain it fresh for more days, that is actually its main benefit. Pasteurization would not confuse most people as to its value if it had a more obvious name like "boiling." Most people know what boiling does to food values. Vitamins are devitalized or totally destroyed by boiling. In particular, vitamin C is sensitive to heat and much of this vitamin is lost through pasteurization. In addition to its lower vitamin content, cooked milk is far less easy to digest than raw milk. For this reason many doctors prescribe raw milk for sensitive young stomachs.

5. Raw sugar. Natural or raw sugar, as opposed to the common white stuff used everywhere, is a good food. Sucked directly from the cane, it is a delightful food and you are missing something if you have never tasted sugar cane. The raw sugar extracted from the cane is a brown, pebbly substance that contains many natural minerals of value to the body. White sugar, granulated, powdered or even the refined brown sugar, which is not to be confused with the raw product, has no value to the human body other than the calories with which it supplies us. Since all foods that are high in caloric content and low in other nutrients, minerals and vitamins, are almost useless to us, it would be best to eliminate processed sugar from the diet altogether. Also, honey and molasses are also fine substitutes for refined sugar.
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Sinus Health

Organic Peat Free Compost

Hair Loss Treatment: Do It The Natural Way!
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Organic Peat Free Compost


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