Friday, September 05, 2008

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Holistic Remedies5 Health Benefits From Using a Sauna

Not just for lazing around any more saunas are an alternative health treatment to be reckoned with. Offering far more then just the average unwind and relief from aching muscles sauna health benefits effect our skin, toxicity levels, and even our immune system. So why don't more people have saunas at home? Chances are it's because of lack of education which we're about to take care of right now with these top five sauna health benefits.

1.) It was mentioned briefly that saunas offer wonderful stress relief but exactly how does they do it? Stress reduction caused from sauna usage comes in two ways. The first is the natural relaxation we feel when we spend time in a wet or dry sauna thanks to the heat. The second reason is a bit more technical. As our skin heats up the amount of chemicals that leave our body increases, when we become stressed our body creates particular chemicals that cause us to feel the feeling of Stressed by spending time in the sauna our body slows the creation of these chemicals and actually reduces the amount in our body causing the feeling of stress go away.

2.) Our body releases as much as a third of it's toxins through the skin. It does this through the pores when sweating. By inducing sweating more often we actually detox ourselves of more toxins then normal thanks to the increased body temperature we achieve during a sauna.

3.) How can a sauna possibly help us lose weight, besides the water we sweat out? Well surprising enough when we're in the sauna our heart rate increases up to fifty percent above normal. This increased heart rate is similar to what occurs during light exercise or walking. So while you're sitting still in the sauna you're bodies metabolism reacts similar to exercise there by helping to burn un wanted fat.

4.) Those who struggle with skin irritations such as acne, or even simple scrapes and cuts can benefit from spending some quality time in the sauna as well. As our heart rate increases as mentioned above, our blood flow increases. Under normal conditions the skin only receives about 10% of the bodies total blood flow. How ever when the temperature of our skin increases it can receive 40-50% of the blood flow. This increased blood flow brings more oxygen and nutrients helping to rejuvenate the skin.

5.) Not everyone knows this but when we get sick and run a fever our body begins producing more white blood cells and antibodies to fight off the illness. When we're in a sauna our body temperature rises similar to when we have a fever. The same procedure begins to happen, and our immune system starts to produce more sickness fighting cells. Of course it isn't to the same extent as being sick for a few days but none the less it strengthens our immune system so we're protected from colds and flus.

There are more benefits to our health for using saunas, but do you really need them? Realistically anytime we can relax, relieve stress, and help out our body it's a no brainer. Consider working regular sauna usage into your health regime and feel great about it.

If you suffer from any form of heart or blood pressure condition you should check with your doctor to ensure you don't run the risk of complications.

To learn about more sauna health benefits take a moment to visit our website and read some of our other sauna health resources.

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